
Because a physical keyboard will ALWAYS be better than a virtual one (at least to me).

I have always found it interesting that everyone gets all bananas about supercars that can barely hold two people and goes 220mph vs sports coupes, sedans and wagons that can seat 4-5 and go 180. Sure, they may not look as pretty, but the engineering it takes should be considered equal to or even greater than that of

I'm not going to say anything because I don't want to be an asshole.

They should suspend him without pay.

As much as people tend to lament the decline of Apple post-Jobs, every time I see Tim Cook talk I have no doubt that the company is going to be in good shape long-term. Say what you will about the company as a whole, but he's a smart motherfucker. I trust him to keep the company from doing stupid shit like this. The

Those dorkalicious dance moves! At the fuel pump no less.

I have to go re-watch The Truth About Cats and Dogs now.

Does this conversation have to start every time Apple adds a feature that's already present on Android (which, is just about all the time)? Apple's never going to win the "new features on your phone" fight, but they usually end up winning the "integrate existing feature into ecosystem as seamlessly as possible" one.

I will post this on every article about domestic violence from here until the end of time. If you are experiencing abuse, it is not your fault. If someone you care about is being abused, you cannot fix it for them, but you can be a support and decrease the isolation they are experiencing. From

Heavy on the Trick?

I have seen this car in person, its a crime against humanity. Why would you do that to a perfectly good Pantera?

Pantera, natch.

You do realize that she *knows* she can't dance, right? The entire point of the "Shake it off" video was to make fun of herself by comparing her own "dancing" to a professionals form various genres.

Amazing. I always wondered why my phone would go from 100% to 0 in a few hours. I was close to paying for a replacement battery. My serial # checks out as one of the affected phones.

Like a houseguest. Marvelous at first and full of possibilities, but if left unsupervised for too long, they can be a real pain.

Well, I don't know Chuck Zito, but if he said that then fuck Chuck Zito.

Don't worry, this bubble will crash eventually. And by eventually I mean not too far in the future.

I'm not sure how his would've helped Kevin Ward Jr. given that he technically did get out of his car because of Smoke.

And so I feel safe in foreseeing, before the next fifty years, an adjustment between the woman, her man, her child and her job. She may do this by marrying early, rearing her children, and tackling her job later in life, as many women have done. She may do it by combining job and children early in life, helped by

Government assistance is also strongly correlated to low educational levels, which (surprise!) is strongly correlated to having more children. Poor people don't have more children to get fatter government checks. That's stupid on its face - more children also cost more money. Poor people have more children because