
Isn't that the same reason that the SLS has explosive gull-wing doors? They explode off if the car is flipped in order to allow escape I believe. It would be pretty sweet if they could figure our a similar solution if this is what is preventing canopies.

I would imagine the problem isn't that they won't survive a rollover, it's that if you put one rubber-side up, there's no way to get out.

Even more accurate "Computer program designed by Thomas Hales proves that Thomas Hales was right with his 16 year old proof to a 400 year old math problem"

I read it more as Uber has some serious assholes working for it. Assholes rarely impact much of anything.

You're gonna be pretty easy to locate in the DMV records as the only right hand drive BMW E30 wagon in your state....

1992 White Ford Bronco (You can get away with pretty much anything.)

It certainly doesn't seem like he set everything up. Maybe he put the camera in place, but he didn't choose the subject, he didn't frame the shot and he didn't time the shot. As you can see from the photos, even things like the focus, specific background and ambient lighting were effectively selected by the monkeys.

This is one case where copyright is pretty cut and dry. Whoever snaps the picture has the copyright.

By default, without a contract, the copyright goes to the "author" of the work. The author isn't the guy who signed the check, commissioned the piece, pitched to the investor, or whatever. The "author" is the guy who added the creative expression to the work. For photography, that's almost always the guy who clicks

Actually, it is all about who presses the shutter. Copyright law falls to the person to initiate the image capture via the shutter button, remote trigger, or other means.

He was a great character.


It's been said a lot but still must be repeated:

"M" as in Mancy.

Just plant the nugget so if he cares he can go look it up later. "Oh cool! Wow! I thought the 66's only came with 1300CC? Hmm. Cool car! SEE YA!"

Calling a used car with an open recall a "ticking time bomb" is a bit dramatic.

At first I was thinking that this truck's owner has to be self-aware, that this whole thing has to be an ironic charade.

Well, you probably don't want to be matched with morons anyway.

'What's so new about what you're saying?

…and we all paid our fucking student loan bills, quietly without bitching (too much) about it.