Shanon Wagner

That’s ESPN’s argument too - but I don’t agree with it. The way one discovers information is important, otherwise HIPAA laws wouldn’t exist. Their lawyer say that JPP’s case is baseless because “Plaintiff’s theory is that it is fine to quote from a document, but it is unlawful to attach a photo of similar words as

what is that you say

2+2=CP. Always.

I had an Uncle that had one of those and we must’ve put 60,000 miles on the sucker when I was a kid going camping, fishing, and cross country skiing. A lot of times we’d end up way off road and there was literally nothing that rattler couldn’t go through or over.

Egg-yolk headlights, tho.

I interned at a auto research center at my hometown college one summer. They had done some first-adopter surveys of then-quite-new-to-the-world Toyota Prius owners. The people reading over the surveys were amazed at how many truck owners traded in for Prii. Lots of talk about oil independence back then.

While the Nomad is cool, the Caballero is sub-zero.

The Evangelion Orochi. A Neon Genesis Evangelion-themed Mitsuoka Orochi... and was only available for order at 7-Eleven. Seriously.

Actually a ton of fucks given BMW M5.

Complete waste of everyone’s time.

Let's get the "Z as a Z was meant to be" on the list.
Another example for sale within budget:
This one

My mom bought me a go kart that had a fiberglass C2 body. It was glorious. So of course a bro kid with his jacked up bro-ATV slammed into it and mangled the front end.