Phone GPS has always been vastly superior to vehicle based GPS so this one is out.
Except that the same company did the same thing, with the same engine, 6 years before and then again 2 years before. Obviously, you’re not a golfer... or an elder scrolls fan.
‘00 Audi Rose Meyer Concept
Very on point list, I’ve wanted some of these pretty bads, pretty badly. To the extent of going to TJ to check out the dumb smart, and almost lapsing in sanity and signing an INSANE APR for one of them there esprits. My latest desire though is forrrr *drumroll* early 70s VEGA WAGON BABYYYY!!!
Well, for starters, 44 years ago, the first LGBT Pride Parade was held in Los Angeles, and the first "Gay-in" held in San Francisco. The bigger questions is: How many people have been beaten up and killed creating any change at all? Remember the past, live in the present, plan for the future. Gay people had it…
'04 Z4 Coupe
Talk about a Tiff Needell review on rails:
The cleanest hatch I've ever come across was this "bi-motor" VW Scirocco:
Or... OR, you could go with something like this rb20 240z.
The S30 is so good in my opinion that even though the 280zx is the worst version thereof, it's still pretty alright. Plus it gives us S30 guys something cheap-ish with a turbo to direct mount swap.
The Formula Ford cars, like the RS200, are equals parts odd to awesome.
Here's delivery video from Symbolic:
The real question is why Caucasian Americans are referred to simply as "white people".
You my friend, have thought very VERY wrong.
Lightweight owner's manuals aside, this leaves out one particular group of cars; old ones. Generally speaking, any new part s going to be better than some old crusty part.
If you've played GT6, you'd know which non-existent car you'd want: