My thoughts,
My thoughts,
A point that he makes in his article is that a scientist picking up a single specimen is no different from natural predation, so it really has no effect on the species as a whole, in fact if it did then the species would have no chance of survival in nature. Scientific study is the best way to preserve a species, if a…
It isn't the inconvenience that is the issue, it is that the companies are essentially robbing us for services available at much more competitive prices elsewhere. So you are paying more for others, but getting less, with the only reason being the greed of the provider.
"a pox on all you're houses" "im just been sopranoed"
...because copying and pasting the link into an e-mail is apparently no longer an option in this age of vile, pervasive social media.
Yeah, that was my problem, too. Borderlands 2 took the original's concept and just turned it up to 11. Sounds like it would be great, right? Except all the worst parts were magnified, completely drowning out what had made the first game special.
Those Cardinals fans love dominant pitching, but will gladly settle for three Ks.
When it comes to vile, bigotry-laced protests based on racial inequality in the United States, act like you've been there before.
Sorry, don't have time to watch a 25 minute video.
Well, they did have a grand Wizard at shortstop
These Cardinal's fans are doing things the white way.
Best Klans In Baseball
The Dead Space series was riding high after the release of Dead Space 2 in 2011, having become one of the most…
I would totally read a comic about Marvel's Pam, as long as she teamed up with Moon Knight to find out who was stealing her pens at work. (They're really nice pens, you guys.)
Yeah, not gonna lie: I spent about half the video almost distracted by how much I was thinking, "But... but how?" I grew up with cats. They don't just do things for you. They are the opposite of video game characters.
Impressive cat-herding. I'm guessing about 800 man hours went into getting those shots.
These kittens must be male, because you know, including female kittens would have caused the production of this video to be way over budget.
I want the new Yakuza game brought to the West, but I'm not going to beg, Sega. I am instead simply going to keep ask…
That is so hilarious especially since the teabagging went on for so long. Who teabags for that long anyways? Lol.