
No. This is a map of each state's favorite musical artist IF YOU ONLY COUNT THE PREFERENCES OF LISTENERS OF CERTAIN MUSIC-STREAMING SERVICES. Considering that there are millions of people who don't stream music at all (a.k.a The Olds), this is not at all what you claim it is.

Even if the number was very low, it's just not apples compared with apples, which makes me highly suspicious of the source data.

My question is, Do they learn these routines in a week? If so, that is incredible. My wife was in band(high school), and she said the MJ routine would have taken a long time to get the steps down.

Put the bread in a ziplock bag (any airtight container), then freeze the bread. Put your pb&j on frozen bread. Keeps sandwich cold and keeps the bread from drying out and going stale. Can be used in a cooler to help keep a drink cold.