So, let's get this straight.
So, let's get this straight.
I've driven the ring on several occasions, this is pretty common. There are many blind curves and when they let anyone on, one of those people will overshoot the turn, smack the wall, and then sit there for the track officials. Those track officials don't set up caution flags half a mile in advance, more like 100…
Looks like 90% of the online races in Forza, it only takes 1 person.
As someone who lives in an area prone to flooding, high spots may or may not be there, you won't know because you can't see through the brown water. It does not matter what it looked like prior to flooding, the water can change things quickly. Here's a road that has a small puddle going across it, 1 hour later…
Anybody else notice that they waited to release this news shortly after declining the Josh Gordon appeal? Try to bury 2 mistakes with one pointless correction.
J.T. O'Sullivan is always the backup, no matter what team.
In Cleveland, we may not be good at winning games, but we sure know how to fuck up a QB.
Dodge made these when VW made those. Your W8 VW puts down 270hp, the Magnum puts down 425hp.
I don't consider that to be an "extremely loud Audi"
I really don't have one. I took my driver test in the U.S. as a teen and passed 100% the first time (and the second time after I got my license revoked after 1 month for reckless op). I found the written part to be as difficult as the block test you give children, square peg goes to square hole type of difficulty.
I've been an extra twice. Once for TV and once in a movie. I was not aired on either. The T.V. one is just because of cropping and where I was (basically, I was in the excess area to cover any wide shots), and the Movie one, they edited me out. For TV, I was a member of the crowd in a Drew Carey show, when he goes…
If he can act, put him in Fast and Furious 7. If he can't act, put him in Fast and Furious 7
Ever wonder why a medium skilled F1 driver like Montoya (or Kimi, or Villeneuve) struggles hard in NASCAR? Because the car is so simple. In F1, the driver drives, that's it. If something goes wrong in F1 car, the crew notifies the driver, or the driver pulls in and says something is wrong. They then hook the car…
There are a lot of things wrong with that. Auto Racing (Stock Car) is a sport (not just marginal, and I'm not a NASCAR fan), bowling is not.
I'm from Ohio, I have been known to pirate a game or two (ok a lot), and I have never heard of this game.
Do you understand the word "vacation"? Please inform me how many people take "equipment" on vacation. This discussion is how to get vacation items, like clothes, through faster. I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but if you pack a suitcase or piece of luggage with clothes only (no shoes, no jewelry, nothing…
It's cheaper because the airlines charge a premium for letting them fuck up, er, carry your bags
It finally happened - you're a freaking multi-millionaire and want to spend your hard-earned cash on the supercar of supercars