
Also first time Weeden's release has low chance of getting picked by another team.

microtransaction based economy? In Forza 5? Has anyone played it? I have FM5, I haven't bought anything, my game plays fine. As far as NFS Rivals, I had that for 2 days, I found it to simple for my taste, but I play a lot of racing games so my skill may be higher than others. Dead Rising 3 is another that I quit

I had a similar thing when I got run off the road in my RSX. Car had to go to a yard on a flatbed, yard was 30 miles from where I was now stranded on the side of the road. Flatbed would not take passenger, cop would not give me a ride. Called a friend and got a ride to the yard. I got there about 30 minutes after

How many INCOMPATIBLE PS3 or PS4 games will be bought for the wrong system from the well meaning relative? Too many even if it's just one when this could just be completely avoidable if they'd leave well enough alone.

Yeah. As a kid I used to spend the night at one friends house because of Hard Drivin. The game sucked, but I was determined to do the loop. I remember we guessed that the reason you would crash if you drove in the grass was because of invisible gophers.

But how does it hold up to the gaming industry standard cheetos crumb test?

"the Dolphins warned the Browns to "do their homework" on Bess."

So, Corey Haim is making music now? Along with starring in movies 4 years after he died? (no shit)

They were the band all the hipsters liked, but now with this posting, people will google them because no one decent knows who the fuck they are, so they'll learn, the band will become known, then it will become uncool for hipsters to listen to them.

you could do it on touch-tones as well, most had a switch on the back for "pulse", switch it to that and use the hook to tap in the numbers. That's how you made free calls in hotels that locked the keypad off.

Now playing

Payphones? Where they hell do you even find one anymore? I seriously have not seen on in years.

Consoles have a NTSC and PAL version, PC does not. So, they can get the PAL version censored, but to make the PC version censored, it would have to be split, which would cost the publisher more money. The publisher would refuse and then the game becomes unavailable for PC in Europe. With the power of the internet,

That's everybody's go to for Korean jokes. It's lost the humor after so long. Also because eating dog in Korea is not something poor people do. Dog in Korea is a delicacy, like caviar. I ate it. Kinda tasted like venison.

@AtCodyLove nah we were part who started it n replied to the ppl who thought it was real

You show the picture with the ticker at the bottom, 90% of the rebroadcast has not had this. Even now, it is still on the 2013, no onscreen indication that it is a rebroadcast.

So I pay $20 for some Toyota badges, then sell Scion badges for same price or more to some dude in Japan, sounds like a win-win.

A condom made in China...they have 1.3 billion people for a reason.

Yes we have coffee tables, we sold our trophy cabinets to make room.

Yes we hav
