The Yetee is DOWN!! Internet PAUNCH!!
The Yetee is DOWN!! Internet PAUNCH!!
I mean, in this day and age where AAA games go on sale for dollars during sales it is hard to gauge what a game's worth actually is on PC anymore. Think it's all subjective to the buyer now.
"September of next year." 2015 or 2016?
I love that the IGN team picture still gets play, in Japan no less.
They're all sold out and going upwards of $15,000 on Ebay already. Fun times!
Well a lot of us are in chat everyday, we've been using Exile Arcade group chat for over a year now.
Arch, we miss ya over in steam chat breh.
World of... Warcraft.. (see the griffon on the side of the bottom hotbar?)
On the page it lists AC Rogue on PC, WHOOPS!
Ahh Curt Schilling, that knowledgeable sob who took a bunch of money from Rhode Island to create a subpar game. Stay classy Curt.
Not trying to start anything, but you listed some games on Xbox One that are also on PC, but didn't mention FFXIV:A Realm Reborn on PS4, also MLB 14 is pretty fantastic. As for Xbox One, you may as well list Forza Motorsport 5 as well, I prefer tracks to open world.
Pan and Scan is a technique used primarily on widescreen movies for fullscreen copies. Since the picture is only showing part of the full image, there will be movements to the rest of the frame. In Last Action Hero, it's so bad it's hilarious, and can make for an easy drinking game.
For people who haven't played the original RE this is great, for me, someone who's played the original, the GC version and also own the wii version. I'm good, and inside, I still laugh at Pan-and-Scan being a feature. To someone who has seen Pan-and-Scan the movie(Last Action Hero in Full Screen(seriously, if you…
I don't believe so. The game launched, and had server issues. They apologized, and are doing all in their possible power to get this game running just for those who bought it. Yet all anyone cares about is the free version. They need to lay off and let the people who actually threw money down on the game to bitch and…
They have been keeping people updated, they've been working non-stop on fixing the problem. They've been updating their twitter and facebook whenever they make headway. Yet all people care about is where their free version is so they can bork the servers even harder for people who paid for the game.
Okay, so lets say they did that, then absolutely no one, would be able to play online. They had server issues, it happened. So to make it so even a fraction of the people who actually bought the game, they've postponed the PS+ version. This whole situation where most of the complainers are people who didn't even buy…
So.... wait what? You're mad you didn't get your Free version and think them compensating people who actually bought the game isn't enough? Come on now, what are you really mad at?
back problems for liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife.
My word the use of brush strokes in the coloring with the very technical line's is just, only word I can use for this is Orgasmic. It's an explosion of color inside an outlined space. Very well done.