haha what is that from?
haha what is that from?
I love how this video has Screen Tearing. Great job Gamespot.
Same here, think they pulled stock to stop from losing money on this deal. Bastards.
Same here, think they pulled stock to stop from losing money on this deal. Bastards.
Kinda like that one time I used my knowledge of Pokemon to spur that lovely contortionist at the bar onto my desires. Wait, that's right, that never happened.....
yeah, yeah that thing.
Is it just me....or shouldn't that metal thingamabob be rotating with her? That's bothering me a ton as an animator.
Mecha Sonic will give me nightmares on end.
lollipop chainsaw did not, boom.
Time to pop in those movies again, glad I bought that trilogy blu-ray set on sale.
AM I THE ONLY ONE, WHO THINKS LUIGI'S AINT GOT NOTHIN' ON DK'S HAPPY FACE TO DEATH STARE!? Because trust me, once you see it, you don't forget.
or maybe western PSO fans are pissed this still isn't overseas.... maybe.
The Vegas series had the cover, the OG games did not breh.
boy that One Piece, expanding its cast with the Naruto characters now? :P
"14 years ago," what? last I knew Blu Ray debuted in 2006, 8 years ago.
I am disturbed by the lack of one song,
YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS IT'S BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! Also reminds me of this, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/polic…
Fuck dawg, gotta get your fucking book names right. It's not a "fuck" book, that'd be some NC-17 shit, it's a book of fuck, shit.
I would love this fucking book on my fucking shelf, for the fuck of it.
Listened to 1:13 of it, Noped out. Nope, definitely not Gangnam Style level, in fact I believe it's trying to diss Gangnam both in the "fat nerd" in the video and in the chorus beat. NOPE, I'll stick to Gangnam for my Korea beats.
The dream is it to be as fun as RtCW but, we all know that'll never happen...