This is one game I would definitely throw money at with a kickstarter.
....why is the mask hollow? Myers has the BLACKEST of eyes, he's not the headless horseman.
I'm thinking this is more akin to a more mecha exo-suit than samus' regular form-fit exo-suit.
I've actually made it my mission to beat all my pc backlog this year, and I'm on fire, shooting more than one game a day so far. Of course not all the games can be beaten in a day, but it's okay since the indie games take much shorter to beat. I have about 340 left, and there's no slowing down in sight.
Mine only brings up an error haha.
...I can't be the only one who sees this.
Master Zaku!? (I apologize in advance if that isn't the Zaku Model, it's been a looooong time for me.)
Bobsplosion, Not a fan of the Minimalism.
Glad to be here.
All of those things, better than watching The Walking Dead.
Whoa whoa whoa, what kind of heartless captain are you if you don't care for your crew on FTL? Even though the game has no MP, it's fun playing it the same time as others and reporting your journey, the ups, the downs, and the disasters. The game is oodles of fun, and every time, I hate to see Joe die.
Okay, everyone settle down. This is a launch title. Go look at some of the PS4 games, I mean REALLY look at them. There are still some shortcuts that were made for those as well. This game can be patched up. Yeah it's weird that it has problems with framerate, but that's nothing some serious patchwork can't fix.
wait....they left the house with the stovetop on?
Not to be on the side of the grammar nazi but....your grammar just spiked up quite a bit, so I'm going to regard this as sarcasm.
Oh Monolith.....I miss you guys so much, when you made awesome horror games, and then WB stuck you with Gotham City Imposters..... Sad times.
It's funny. Growing up, every year that passes I become more responsible, developed responsible drinking habits and such. Not caring to go out to bars or parties much at all if any. Don't really care to watch all the drunken irresponsible people out there.
Still exist in the US, just pretty rare. It's actually fun finding one still in operation, get to relive the 90's.
I would buy that aol disc so hard. Yes, I would expect it to be on an aol disc, for nostalgia's sake.