This, a million times this.
This, a million times this.
This won't go badly at all...
Not to start anything, couldn't annotate but on Ascendancy's lower right picture....Bewbs?
No Offense but the image quality of the picture kind of gave it away. Was totally going in to this article with my layton hat on...
However its silly to assume that developers are going to map out every single light source in an environment
I have a few replies in the thread explaining why I hated the ending. But I understand with this game there's people who loved it and people in the minority like me who didn't.
Yeah, the reason I didn't like that was because the rest of the game Time wasn't linear. There were multiple realities, no clear answer what was on the other side, but the ending went against that.
I payed attention, I saw that coming, but it still doesn't make sense of what actually happened, or the closing point. If you end one thing, every other thing doesn't end, only that one will. That was a huge thing that bothered me. Also, this was not on a path ventured before, this timeline wasn't something anyone had…
There's nothing to understand, and thanks for the benefit of a doubt the rest of you just insulting my intelligence rather than thinking I may, Just May, have a valid opinion up my sleeve.
It's a Trap. Most overhyped game in the past 4 years.
Just making sure you're aware of this, but that Screenshot used for Resident Evil, is from the Gamecube Remake version that came out in 2002, RADICALLY different looking than it's 1996 counterpart. You could argue it just looked nicer so you used that but uhh...Metal Gear Solid 1 had a Gamecube remake too. Just…
I'm a little thrown with how this fits into the whole Feminist Gaming Movement, Intrigued to say the least.
Dammit, really wish I wasn't holding off drinking until I do this Tough Mudder. At least my Beard and Fro prosper.
No no, not the Glenlivet.
It's a nice club, Shelves full of Scotch and Whiskey. And you get a nice little comb for signing up!
As the collective Oregon Neckbeard Owners lowered their heads in shame.
Criticizing what one just said and not providing any backup really is the last ditch effort to sting someone.
Ain't Nothing to F#$k with. Seriously, that controller looks like it hurts.