I knew driver training in Germany was really, really good.
I knew driver training in Germany was really, really good.
Hush was great, and the element of the deaf protagonist was novel, interesting, and well implemented as a plot device. Really good movie.
I love horror/thriller movies. They are my favorite genre. But, like many women, I’ve been sexually assaulted. It’s hard to find a good horror movie that does not involve the sexual assault of a woman. I’m not sure why; it’s such a lazy ass trope that is used entirely too often.
Yeah, I paid a lot for those pixels so I can have enough to crop as needed. I have 24mp, I think I’ll be OK. I also have a digital camera, I can take as many pictures as I want, some filling the frame, and some not. Do photographers really just take one picture and call it good?
I typically use a lighter or match to slightly melt the ends. It works as long as you are careful.
More and more eyewitness testimony is coming in from those who escaped the terrorist attacks that occurred on…
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this is some bullshit, by the way.
“He just walked up to me... and started sucking the money right out of my pockets!”
Not to belittle your very helpful tip, but I am SO exited about Windows 10, that I will look down there every couple hours and see that little icon, and it will make smile. So for me, it stays. I’m running the preview on my home computer and absolutely love it.
“At those prices, you won’t feel like you’re getting screwed.”
I really adore that about love hotels. Places people have sex shouldn’t be spartan and dull and hush hush. It may as well be colorful, over the top and fun.
I don’t think you’re trying to flame. Your question touches on the reasoning why BC should be covered: BC is cheaper than paying for the care and delivery of a baby. It isn’t 100% clear if fully covering BC would raise or lower overall costs, but we’re in a grand healthcare related experiment right now, and the data…
It can be seen as population control, it can also be seen as cost control. Unplanned pregnancies costs states and local governments millions every year. This is a cheaper way to avoid those types of expenses.
There was a national debate about this, and the side saying birth control should be covered won, so it’s now the law. (I’m glad you’re not trying to start a flame war, but just a reminder for others: it wouldn’t help. Internet comments are not the 4th branch of government.)
This is a USA law. I’m kind of shocked Canada’s health program doesn’t cover birth control.
Dermatologist’s Evaluation: Yup, it’s lotion.
“Reporting from Qatar, I’m Bepp Slatter.”
I read this entire article in Patrick’s voice.
I love these boxer briefs by Under Armour 6" BoxerJock.
I love these boxer briefs by Under Armour 6" BoxerJock.
You download too much crap. Sometimes you download the same crap multiple times. Even if you need to keep those…