Is the smell/color/consistency of pee next week?
Is the smell/color/consistency of pee next week?
Very cool
IK, Im just too lazy to search for stuff and, I also was wondering if you had a specific version that you like better than others. (That was the real reason I asked) ;)
If you really want to secure your phone, get the new phone from Boeing:…
Where do I acquire such ringtones?
Maybe that's what it was....
THANK YOU. I have been needing this for SO long.
I remember NPR saying a couple of days ago that some southern states, who are in low supply of salt are using pickle juice instead... Is this true?
Glad to know that I'm not the only one!
On weekdays, I like to wake up with 2 alarm clocks 5 minutes apart. One for telling me that I will need to get up soon, but not yet, and then the other to tell me that it is time to get up. I also use two different clocks (an alarm clock and a watch) so that I don't associate the "You have 5 more minutes" clock with…
Step 1: Spray a crap-ton of vinegar all over your house. (as shown)
This is also great for those who want to know exactly where each app goes after restoring. thats what I have personally used it for because I have memorized the places of my apps and moving them back to default position with no folders would annoy me to no end.
Would CAT5E fit? I think it has a different kind of plug, but the concept sounds fantastic! You could hook it up to two lights (one on either side, perhaps above the phone itself) so the other caller would recognize it, and you could tell that the connection is working.
Also in place of the ring tone, You could hack together a light switch that could even perhaps run on one of the unused wires in the phone wire (depending on the kind) and be activated in some magical way. (as you can probably tell, I'm not electronics expert, but at least it's an idea)
To solve the ringing problem, you could install maybe a wireless doorbell (might need 2) to serve in place of the ring.… It's a little big, but you could probably slim it down by taking it out of the casing. OR get a 2 bell and 1 button doorbell that you can just split the button…