
Thanks for the tip! I never would have thought about the importance of protecting my hands in a crash, but it makes sense. Putting your hands under your legs might make more sense if there's a chance of flames flashing through the compartment on impact. Covering your face makes sense for the same reason. You need to

Whatevs. Last week I went outside, walked to bus stop, bus pulled up with no waiting. I got off that bus, walked to transfer bus stop, bus pulled up with no waiting.

If they're not the most insecure, they're certainly the most nauseating.

Allen must really love you.

I read about 3 words and then scrolled down for my pictures. Why were there no more pictures??!

My father was a meteorite. Your comet is hurtful and offensive.

Is there a party you've been to that you haven't been the life of?

Reason 9,428 Jaime is the best: he tried to kill the most boring Stark.

I have to fast foward all of Dany's parts because they're THE WORRSSSTTT.

Nobody I know, male or female, enjoys the Sansa chapters. She's in a terrible situation and has absolutely no agency, and it makes me feel frustrated and helpless as a reader. It's masterful storytelling, and it makes me uncomfortable.

Daenerys simultaneously makes me ragey and bored. I like Tyrion's chapters the best.

My secret is that I also find Daenerys boring as all get out.

I am helping at my daughter's school with the hot lunch, all I know is each lunch must have a protein.

" Beyonce is likely the finest living performer we have right now and she proved that again tonight."

The tear gas element of the tribute, however, seems a bit too on-the-nose for me.

But Mark, how can you deny the solid "bitches be crazy and men's money is more important than all the things!" reasoning of the OP?

He could have said "I am not going to marry you."

The Lyin', the Witch, and the Wardrobe

If only you'd waited for the Groupon!

The problem I have with all of this is that everyone assumes that making a decent human is a "recipe" and if you do the right things and add the right ingredients, you are guaranteed a fantastic result. Of course everyone thinks they have the best recipe...or secret ingredient...but the bottom line is the same: the