"Was this my cue to set the place on fire?"
"Was this my cue to set the place on fire?"
Well timed article.
What a difference a hair cut and color make. Wow.
I just broke up with a guy who seems perfectly fine at first but once he started making noises that he wouldn't mind if I had "an accident" and I ended up pregnant, i had to look at him with a more discerning eye. And yes, it may seem cold, but when you're being presented with a possible commitment, one has to do…
Your grandfather sounds awesome. I love trivia like this.
Excellent comment and analysis. The most measured and pragmatic commentary on this. Because I myself tend to get a bit emotional about this. But this was one of the best ways to approach the questions risen about this case.
The issue of the elevator would make sense since the elevator would have to also accommodate at least the two grown men who would be needed to assist her since she could not enter and leave the elevator alone.
not physically possible for her to board the aircraft
It's entering a building where you know that every person inside is working toward the singular goal of not becoming you.
Good point. Didn't think of this. But now you just added to the conspiracy theory so now I think we all lose. Lol
and stolen social security number issued to a Connecticut resident born in 1890.
Thanks so much for putting me on to this. I needed site & app like this!
I'm finding it difficult to focus on the dresses. I'm distracted by how completely emaciated these girls are.
Guy Smiley. Perfect.
lol no I wasn't kidding. Thanks.
A+ photo.