
Counterpoint: I do not do anything special to avoid germs (and I work in a large office, take public transit every weekday and exercise at a gym, in addition to flying several times a year), and I haven’t been ill in about 10 years, with exception of a bout of food poisoning. My secret isn’t so much to avoid germs as

This is MX-410. He is canon.

Give me parrellelograms or give me death!

I was just your average Pokémon trainer then... I didn’t pay attention to EVs or natures... I played for the adventure then.

Ford GT90.

Tip: the Xbox following the next is being developed as Project Arcturus.

Chris Evans has had 24 years to grow into the job of not being horrible, please don’t hold your breath.

Yeah, it’s too bad they never made any sequels.

Depends on the version of Death Star you want. The original had design flaws necessitating future designs to cut down the use of thermal exhaust ports.

I sense something. A presence I’ve not felt since...

I’ve been in gray the past 3 years. I am not worthy.

For $30 dollars I’ve backed SC at I expect not that much given I think the project will fail but I still get them modelling assets and when the project invariably fails modders will pick over the scraps and make something interesting. Also you can hack/cheat an offline mode and gain access to everything with a little

Do you even Hulk Bro?

No ponies? This list is bullshit!

This. One of the game’s themes is parallel realities, and a character even talks about imagining a reality where you don’t exist. What if the Undertale “reality” everyone is playing is the one where Gaster doesn’t exist. And only by changing that reality (by hacking the code) to one where he does exist will the

some of it was useful. I used all those dwarven gyro thingies to make a ball pit in Vlindrel Hall.

Can we have real talk? Gaming AI is trash and has always been trash. The fact you have to give a boss regeneration, 1 hit kills, and a life bar that exceeds yours X50 and you still kick his ass is awful this is just the tip of the iceberg on stupid boss powers. I want a fight with something on par but the only way to

That’s fucking brutal. Dethlok would be proud.

Yeah, yeah, okay. Yet another graphics mod.