The Palmtop Tiger

It's not really a medical thing, it's just those animals didn't evolve to live several decades. Medicine can cure diseases, but it can't cure aging. We are already seeing this effect with humans, where medicine will often keep people alive well beyond what's logical or sensible simply because it can, even if it means

Great, now I'm going to be thinking, "Amazon Twitch", which sounds like a jungle infection.

I came here expecting to see some time lapse gifs showing how the work progressed, so I'm a little disappointed. From pristine to major metropolis in two images is not exactly what I hoped for.

You just blew my mind in so many ways. Are you from an alternate universe where middle clicking doesn't dominate your internet browsing experience??
And, as Tephlon has also said, I haven't seen a mouse without a middle button since the 90's

I haven't seen a mouse WITHOUT a middle button since the 90's... what mouse do you have where the scroll wheel isn't middle click?
(I actually know of one (…), but even then you can assign a different button to be middle click).

What kind of mouse are you using?

Could you please put clickable titles when you post articles, so we can get the same experience throughout Kotaku.

Where does the ability to fix or throw games enter into the equation? Or to fantasy?

No, seriously, this, I would love to hear an intellectual response. And I would also like to know why that paragraph was even remotely necessary. Am I supposed to feel Kim Kardashian's tragic struggle? Is this real life?

Everyone likes to assert that Kardashian is "famous for being famous." But as Samantha Allen writes over at The Daily Dot, "It's not that Kardashian doesn't work; it's that her work is not recognized as legitimate within a sexist world that sees feminine culture and lifestyle as frivolous pursuits undeserving of any

inb4 you can't kill things in Mario games, you can only defeat them

Come on. Gearbox ported Halo: Combat Evolved to PC without a hitch. That's still one of their best achievements.

Gearbox has one bad game in Aliens which they themselves didnt even work on and suddenly anything they work on that isnt Borderlands leaves you doubting them? Let it go already.

well maybe you don't...

Yeah, the Twitter convo went like this:

Suing might be overboard but this shouldn't exactly be swept under the rug either. Tired of all these broken promises, I want accountability, damnit. I also would like a 1080p TV so I would have even more reasons to complain!

They should have F-Zero ships in there instead imo

they should have some tonka trucks in there instead imo

What the fuck is this sellout bullshit?