I don’t really get it. Delay the announcement by 10 minutes and make them make an additional game - the one with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
I don’t really get it. Delay the announcement by 10 minutes and make them make an additional game - the one with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
Didn’t both Genji and Reaper have Figmas?
Was calling Drew by his username rather than his real name, despite knowing it and being asked to use it, an attempt at dehumanizing the dude?
Well the official website is called Onimusha 2001 and it only mentions the PS2 version, so I’m betting it won’t be based on the Xbox version.
I don’t think Kotaku readership is that bad to the LGBT community. I mean, sure, it’s not brilliant but it’s probably the most progressive gaming community to the point where it is mocked for it.
I’ve heard less than stellar things about the charge and play packs for the Xbone and I know from experience that the 360 ones were pretty shit to the point that I just kept the cable plugged in at all times. You might want to just get a 4-pack of rechargeable AA batteries.
The only similarities between a novel and a DM’s narration is that they’re both works of fiction. The fact of the matter is that they are very different mediums which require very different skillsets.
The creation of the SPACE FORCE is the dumbest fucking thing, and deserves nothing but the ridicule it is receiving.
That sounds like the White Castle one, but the WC one takes place in the public WC an hour after eating. The challenge comes in emoting when you can’t see the person playing next to you.
I don’t think that Discord is trying to compete directly. A curated store is likely to attract a different audience than an open market like Steam. It might be a viable store for a lot of indie developers; Discord has a massive audience and, especially early on, it should be easy to find new and interesting works in a…
You mean it’s not Pennsylvania Works?
There are plenty of places to download from if you just take a few minutes to search. Shit, the Internet Archive hosts complete no-intro romsets, to include the games DMCA’d from the most well known sites.
There were and still are.
There were better places than Emuparadise anyway, tbh.
You were some sort of wolf, but you were also a god, but you were also a cricket or something riding the back of the wolf/god
Yeah, someone else pointed that out. I guess I got mixed up since you mentioned GoG immediately afterward.
What? You can uninstall the launcher and start the game from its executable.
I misread the comment, my bad.
Yeah, GoG Galaxy. It offers cloud saving as well as game auto-updates and single click version rollback, Netplay, achievement and playtime tracking, and a friend list and chat client. It’s not a game changer, but it adds some nice features. Games downloaded through the program are, of course, as always, DRM free.