The Palmtop Tiger

My dog actually ended up catching a pigeon after like 10 years of trying daily. She didn’t eat it, she just held it in her mouth and ran away from us as we tried to get it.

Oh, just AtGames; playing on their hardware is worse than even the worst MadCatz. The wait continues.

I’m still waiting on YW3 or one of the Buster games.

“This is a five month passion project for the studio as we’re creating and publishing the game entirely by ourselves,”

Maybe? The bottom line is that if I’m not having fun I’m going to stop playing it. At the same time, the more I pay for a game which I stop playing the angrier I am at myself (or the game) for wasting my money. I won’t continue playing it either way though; at that point it’s just wasting my money AND my time.

Binding of Isaac is a great game, but kind of iffy for this list. By late-game certain item combinations, especially if you have mods, can cause the game to really chug even on half decent hardware.

Generally speaking, I think that “gamer gear’s” aesthetic has reached grotesque levels. I hope the pendulum swings back the other way and they come out with some sleek, minimalist cases and PC accessories.

Maybe they lowered the graphics settings.

Have the discounts increased since then? I went to one that was closing about 10 minutes away expecting some good sales and I ended up leaving empty handed. Stuff was like 20% off with a few bargain bin items being discounted more, (Skylanders has pretty deep discounts, as did Disney Infinity, which is now just a

If you want to get good with a character play a few hours of free for all deathmatch with them and try hard. It gives you a low-stress place to engage characters that counter your picks and learn how best to deal with them.

You say that the physical copies only save a minimal amount of storage space - how minimal? Because I’m no sucker, I’m not buying a second copy of a game I already own, so I don’t have any point of comparison.

That’s good to keep in mind, but good DMs typically don’t railroad players for the sake of the story. If a character could feasibly do something and the player has a desire to do so then they should be able to make the attempt.

Souls fans have been really great about coordinating community events. They’ve also done these revivals for Dark Souls 1 and 2 in the past.

Secret of Evermore I could understand, but is anyone really clamoring for a remake of Mystic Quest?

I doubt we’ll get SaGa, but I hope Taiko Drum Master gets a western release. It sucked that the Vita game never made it over; it’s actually very good.

Whenever I look down I see my body. I see my arms if I’m swinging a baseball bat too.

I really don’t think there’s anything redeeming about FF15's first person mode. It lacks any of the niceties that I’d expect from a AAA release. Simple things like head bobbing or seeing your character’s arms would go a long way to making it feel less like a tacked on feature.

I love the idea of a video game news show, but I have a few notes:

If you’re losing 80% of your matches then there’s something wrong there, not that it invalidates the rest of your comment or the way you feel about the game.

I got a Switch about 3 months ago and I’ve noticed the same issue with the controllers described by Totilo where they either don’t charge or discharge very quickly despite being plugged in for a solid 8+ hours.