The Palmtop Tiger

You might want to consider contacting the Strong Museum of Play, Library of Congress, or your local library to see if they’re interested in them.

This is the first I’m hearing of Hidive. How is it? It looks like they have a decent backlog, but with only three simulcasts, I wonder if it’s worth it long-term.

Fuck me, I just waited a month for an EVGA 1060 3GB from Fry’s. The bastards didn’t even put any packaging material in my $200 box.

Fuck me, I just waited a month for an EVGA 1060 3GB from Fry’s. The bastards didn’t even put any packaging material

IIRC, the first video was pretty obviously biting on real video game music. Off the top of my head, the tutorial was Legend of Zelda.

Man, Elite Dangerous has been a slow burn, huh? This is pretty interesting, but I’m more than content to sit on the sidelines and read about it every few months.

I’m not surprised. With corporations like these the head tends not to know what the arms are doing. By putting “competitions” in place to sell the most of a certain add-on item they’re inadvertently encouraging their in-store associates to do unethical things to boost their numbers.

lol what? Even if she didn’t file a copyright she still has intellectual property rights. Blizzard would be insanely stupid to use her materials without getting a license given the publicity surrounding her work.

As long as I can remember. There’s also a new default skin, “Alex.”

Attractive as it is, 14,980 yen is fucking steep. That’s about 130USD, which is like $40 more than I’d be willing to spend on even the nicest special edition.

Oh god, yes. The only way it would be better is if it came with a bottle of that liquid that smells like shit, which you’d spray into the balloon before you started playing. The loser would get blasted by the fart smell when it exploded.

This is going to set a precedent regarding videos of gameplay footage which ripple far beyond Pewdiepie; I guarantee it.

so if we ever do make a remake of Final Fantasy VIII

Mirror Peach and Daisy would obviously be Deach and Paisy.

Wow, they look terrible. Ash is unrecognizable, Brock went from looking masculine to having very slight features, and Misty’s hair looks like a helmet. That’s putting aside the fact that they all look like a bunch of grays.

As someone who plays a lot of Mercy, I’m glad this would let me play more actively in theory, but I have a feeling it’ll turn a lot of people off of Mercy initially and might make my teammates groan when I choose her over Lucio. At least on the surface, the loss of the possibility of a full-team res in favor of a

Even so, this is common practice in these types of games. League of Legends has done several character overhauls, for example. This sort of thing also becomes necessary as new characters are added in order to avoid things like niche overlap.

I mean, it’s still over one year away. Those models are probably placeholders, and I’d imagine the animations are as well.

It’s too funny that you posted this article today. I was at the mall today and happened to see this game on the shelf for the PS4 in Gamestop. You should’ve posted the box art because just by looking at it you can tell that it’s the shittiest game to get a wide physical release in the past decade. I thought it was one

Probably for the best; Playdek had no idea what they were doing. I don’t have a lot of faith in Little Orbit, but at the very least they have some experience making full-fledged games from the ground up.

Yeah, unfortunately that’s the nature of backing these projects. Backing even seasoned development studios can be a gamble, so backing an ambitious project by a studio who had previously only made mobile versions of existing card games is the practically equivalent of burning your wallet.