The Palmtop Tiger

You could’ve thrown Lightning from Final Fantasy 13 in at number 10 and made this a “Brooding Video Game Protagonists, Ranked” article rather than an exclusively male one. You only need to add the one because she’s basically the only brooding female protagonist ever. You also wouldn’t need to include minority race

Fahey, I think you missed the line mentioning that this is also coming to Windows 10.

TBH, at this point, I think it’s pretty near its completed state. Ripping off the early access sticker won’t somehow improve its quality.

I don’t know how successful this is going to be, but I certainly welcome the competition. Hopefully, these games won’t rely on Steam DRM. If Twitch is able to dislodge, or even just loosen Valve’s monopoly on the PC market then this is good news.

The Switch is at its most basic level an Android tablet with a dock that gives it an HDMI out to your television.

I hope the Switch has USB drive support when docked. Large, high speed SD cards are still fairly expensive, but a 7200RPM external drive is really cheap. Also, Nintendo keeps swinging around that the Switch will support up to a two terabyte SD card like they have a big dick, but that’s a standard feature in SDXC card

Well that’s just not true. The legal definition of censorship can be quite narrow, but the public’s understanding of the term is a bit broader.

The relationship between science and science-fiction is so interesting. This is a really cool project.

Yokai Watch plushies have started appearing in my local dollar store. If I can get these Wibble Wobble ones cheaply (not $1, obviously,) I’d definitely pull the trigger and try to collect them all.

It’s about as exciting as when a kid learns to read and starts reading everything out loud. You have to encourage them, but you don’t really give a fuck after like the fifth road sign.

This is idiotic. They might as well write legislature which stops any group of people larger than a certain size which has congregated for any reason. Passing legislature targeted at augmented game companies is a money grab because they think that they can squeeze publishers for a couple bucks. I think they’ll learn

Is “Toy Editor” your official job title?

When can we expect to see it on Salty Bet? I’m betting there’ll be two versions - potato tier and S tier.

You’re misunderstanding the issues with the game. They go far deeper than slow updates and broken features. Players left Pokemon Go, not due to a lack of monsters, but a lack of compelling gameplay and core features which should’ve been the game’s foundation. Pokemon Go was initially popular due to the novelty of

I think it just looks less exciting than film because we’re seeing two people in a ring with referees all around them. If something like this were in a film with dozens of extras also engaging in their own sword fights, I think it could still make for a compelling battle scene.

I think it has humor because of its shock value, like when a comedian says something heinous, but that’s about it. Also, IIRC the “death to all jews” message told people to subscribe to Keemstar, which is legitimately funny because he’s a piece of shit who deserves to be dragged through the mud. (For more info on

The “Wii Ni” jokes from before the console’s announcement were great.

How could I ever forget? I was seething over the fact that Nintendo couldn’t even properly communicate that the Wii U was a brand new console and not just a gamepad. Nintendo really fucked the Wii U. The starting gate opened and they immediately tripped.

The K-ON! girls are practically identical. They all share the same face shape. Ritsu and Yui are pretty similar, and Azunyan and Mio could be sisters. The primary difference between the paired girls are their hairstyles, but even those are pretty similar. Then there’s Ui, whose similarity to Yui was actually used as a

Isn’t that just most anime? Most characters within the same series seem to have a base form, then features like hair and eyes are slapped onto these bases. There are obviously some exceptions to this, but I’d say that’s the case with 70% of the anime I’ve watched.