The Palmtop Tiger

Christ, I love me some Beat Takeshi. He’s so multi-talented. Get him to direct the movie and then we’ll talk. Until then I’m not really interested in a live-action Hollywood made Ghost in the Shell.

Can we talk about how weird the whole has sex with a wolf thing in Wolf Children is? I mean, the guy can choose to change between wolf and human form whenever he wants, but for some reason these kinky fucks decide they’d rather have sex in wolf form instead. Conservatives think explaining homosexuality to children is

I don’t think I could vote for a steadfast obstructionist of Cruz’ caliber. After a certain point it seems more like you’re being obstructive for the sake of spiting others, not because there is any real objectionable content in a given bill.

I came to the same decision after watching that video. It looks like a fun game, but I’d rather not play a shoddy port. Unfortunately, I don’t have a Vita or PS4. Japan saw a PSP release, which I guess I could get my hands on, but unfortunately there’s only a partial English translation.

Koei’s ports are all shit. Bandai’s is a craps shoot. It seems like Bandai themselves doesn’t care, but they have at least a few devs that do.

I still have Linken’s Sword of Mastery (one-handed sword) and Linken’s Boomerang (a trinket) on one of my characters. Apparently it has become pretty rare (but not valuable) because the questline that it was obtained from is no longer available.

I guess? All 3 current gen and 3 last gen controllers (on the Nintendo systems I’m referring to Pro controllers) have the same basic design - as do most PC controllers.

Ubisoft refuses to answer, but I guess they’re okay with their employees talking smack online.

The outlier here is Legend of the Twilight. I’d play a game based off the anime version.

You’ll be happy to know it won’t follow the Sword Art Online in-game rule that if you die in the virtual world, you die in real life.

For example, my idea of ‘fun with Digimon’ does cover classic turn-based role-playing game battles, which there are quite a lot of in the only halfway decentDigimon console game to drop Stateside in ages.

I recently got a PSP, so I’m sort of going through that now. Do I track down the PS1 disk I lent to my cousin years ago and never got back then convert it into eboot format or do I just rebuy the game as a PS1 Classic? Do I download a PS1 Classic and pay slightly more for the convenience or do I buy the a PSX copy off

I really like the monochrome one. The artist did a good job of translating the image into the generic moe manga style that currently proliferates the market. That’s not a dig, just a description of the style. He/she also put a lot of detail into the tatami, which is unexpected, but nice.

A lot of this stuff is really cool, but regarding flashbacks and additional side stories, I kind of just want Martin to finish the flagship series. We can do the flashbacks and stuff later. The hype will still be there assuming he doesn’t totally bomb what remains to be written.

This is kind of an odd way of looking at things. Like, “there’s something similar already, let’s not bother.” The issue is that no matter what you want to make, there’s likely to be something similar. Imagine if Ford remained automaker because they created the Model T, the first affordable automobile.

I’d argue that both the Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem series have a much longer history (~30 and ~25 years respectively, and countless games,) and have thus had more time to get their shit together. Neither of those two series had top-notch characters, stories, or lore in their few installments. Dragon Age, by

Conan’s popularity in Korea is kind of strange to me - mostly because the reverse isn’t really true. I like K-Drama as much as the next person, but I can’t name any actors, really. Maybe a more apt example, I watch a decent amount of Japanese variety - mostly Nogibingo, AKBingo, and Gaki no Tsukai - but I wouldn’t

It’s all Hawaiian shirt guy’s fault. Mr. Blue Shirt did the sensible thing by going for a handshake, saw that Hawaiian was going for a high five and adjusted his hand position, then for no reason Hawaiian shirt guy switches to a fist and gets ridiculously close to Blue Shirt. What’s Blue Shirt to do? The only option

This thing is going to crash and burn so badly. Who the hell is going to pay $135 for a ColecoVision and Intellivision emulator? There are going to be no big name devs because the platform doesn’t allow them to sell DLC, a big source of income. It’s hardly going to get indie devs because no one is going to want this

Why are the licensed games always Monopoly or Risk? Why couldn’t we see a good tabletop game get a Yokai Watch theme?