The Palmtop Tiger

But that’s not how he looks in-game. That artist can probably make Psyduck look half-interesting.

I didn’t even know that it was getting a PC version. As long as it doesn’t bone (and after so many years, I would hope it doesn’t,) my patience pays off again.

Even if the Commerce Team did work directly for Kotaku, it’s not like Kotaku’s writers haven’t had disagreements in the past. As far as I can tell, Kotaku’s writers have a pretty long leash when it comes to contradicting other writers.

Even if the Commerce Team did work directly for Kotaku, it’s not like Kotaku’s writers haven’t had disagreements in

Weren’t the circumstances different? IIRC, they were being sued for fraud or some shit because they never had any intention of completing the project. That’s very different from earnestly pursuing the Kickstarter’s goals and failing to meet them.

I’ve been telling you guys that the yes/no system is more reductive for years. You do listen! T_T

That thing looks horrifying. I mean, it literally looks like someone rolled a turd in Fruity Pebbles and put it on a paper plate.

I first played it on the Wii, so I didn’t have the benefit of nostalgia going for me. Despite that, it’s still one of the most feel-good games I’ve ever played. The art style alone is enough to make you “aww.”

They do these “best game ever” polls every couple of years, so the results of any given year hardly matter. If you look at the other results for this year you’ll see other classic games get beaten by total nonsense. It’s far more important to look at the polling trends over the years. The mainstays on these polls are

Some people were flipping their shit because Undertale won Gamefaqs’ “Best. Game. Ever.” poll. Kotaku did an article on it a few days before the final bracket. The whole thing was ridiculous. It dripped of the pretentiousness and elitism that usually accompanies discussion of what a “real gamer” is.

Now playing

Now we rippin’ and dippin’ and sippin’ AND chippin’.

The only ones that appear to be out of keys are the trilogy and Shun, and both of those pages still say that they’re expecting to receive more. I’d assume that if they’re still allowing people to purchase them that they either have a way of obtaining keys or are fairly confident that they’ll have them in stock again

The Art of Killing is probably the most difficult movie I’ve ever sat through. Watching the pride with which these “war heroes” regale stories of the massacres like someone in the US might talk about a fantastic golf game they had is absolutely gut wrenching. It’s really brutal watching them play out different

Behold, the modern marvel that is The Wayback Machine! Presto chango, here’s your link-o! God bless libraries.

I never played it, but as of December 29th it had a 96% on Steam, something which only 127 Steam games achieved. I guess that makes it a pretty elite game.

Oh, I see; that’s unfortunate. Hopefully, the IPs land into caring hands - and ones that don’t neglect PC at that.

They kind of dropped the ball on PC’s combat lighting, eh?

FF8’s soundtrack was banging. As to the characters... alright, I’ll concede. They’re pretty fucked. At the time I thought the character designs were cool, but the more I think about it, the lamer they seem. Laguna is still the man though. I still think gunblades are pretty neat, and the summons were pretty cool.

It’s not much larger than the original game. The original’s health window took up 57% of the horizontal screen real estate and 25% vertical. The new one takes up 54% horizontal and 39% vertical.

God bless the Wii, dude - the little emulating machine that could. I bricked mine after messing with some ios’ without installing bootmii or preloader. It was working fine and loading my backups, then my cousin borrows it for one day and it’s bricked. I think he might’ve tried to update it after I told him not to.

I think he meant it more in the sense that it can be installed on any computer and allows for any compatible software to be installed without insane workarounds. His argument doesn’t really have anything to do with open source software.