The Palmtop Tiger

Yeah, I wouldn’t count on it. Bethesda will probably fix game-breaking bugs and leave everything else intact. If it doesn’t crash every 30 minutes they’re like “Good enough. People will love the shit out of it anyway.”

Digital arts are always a thing. GIMP is probably the best free solution I’ve used so far. Its features rival Photoshop, but with an uglier interface.

Blizzard and Square really neck and neck when it comes to spectacular CGI quality in video games. They’re both fantastic at it, but it’s Blizzard that’s shown that their CG team is flexible. The Overwatch style is drastically different from Diablo or Warcraft.

I don’t dislike Penny Arcade’s art style, but a little variety is always nice in long-running series.

Too bad the game itself was trash, or, at the very least, outdated.

It’s nice, but it makes me want to watch a Bollywood film or dance crew, not buy a PS4.

Thanks for the input. That’s pretty crazy. I guess I take US freedoms for granted.

SNES was the shit, so I’m assuming you’re talking about Turbo Grafx 16. It had some decent games, but yeah, compared to other 16-bit consoles it was shit.

This ugly bastard looks like Bonk right down to the steam out the nose.

If that’s the case then why didn’t they just purchase the IP? Companies buy and sell IPs all the time, right?

Fucking why? Activision didn’t already have any studios that could figure out tile matching games?

I remember this ad. Fuck that’s dark. For some reason as a kid I didn’t think that putting the Pokemon into a compactor would kill them. I was like “yeah, they got squished into a Gameboy. That makes sense.”

but daily challenges essentially gives the game multiplayer.

Because a lot of people think that his music is good. While there are those of us who refuse to view/listen/read/etc. someone’s works due to something that happened in the person’s personal life, many do not. I, for one, still adore Woody Allen’s works and plan to continue watching his films even though Woody Allen

Different joke. IIRC, he claimed that all the candy corn ever was made in like 1900 and gnomes or some shit picked through the trash every year and repackaged the candy corn.

I’m convinced that stores are reusing the same bags of candy corn every year. Since only one gets purchased every year their supply has lasted a long time. The candy corn people probably won’t need to manufacture at any more until 2050, at which point they’ll make 1,000 more bags, which is enough to supply the US and

What is this? Is it like a Tomodachi Life type thing or a Nintendogs type thing?

Level 1 was pretty cool as well. I recommend that everyone go to the video’s associated Youtube channel and check that out as well.

Sweet Jesus, yes. I guess this is what I’ll be doing for the rest of the night.