The Palmtop Tiger

Oh, the guy is delusional. He thinks that his customers have some sort of mind reading ability to see that he hasn’t run off with the money, which isn’t unheard of. Pick any random thread discussing Cube World and it’s almost guaranteed to be about how the game is dead. The Cube World subreddit has had a stickied

I get neither.

I’ve been replaying Duke Nukem 3D and I absolutely suck at it despite having played the game several times since the 90s.

I just get depressed by these stat screens. They’re always like:

I actually didn’t know that line was a reference to anything, so thanks for that.

I would think that his handler would have to know about computers.

There’s a Smarties factory right next to my old high school. If you ask nicely then they’ll give you a massive sack for free or sell it at dirt prices. I wish I could do that with board games.

There’s a Smarties factory right next to my old high school. If you ask nicely then they’ll give you a massive sack

Don’t forget that Chinatown Wars, not only came to the DS, but turned out to be the highest rated game on the console.

A PC release wouldn’t surprise me. They recently ported FF13, 13-2, Lightning Returns, and the NDS versions of FF3 and 4. It looks like Square wants to expand to the PC market, which I’m pretty happy about.

I would’ve gone for it if it was available on the Verizon network. Unfortunately, I’m using a family plan ATM and branching off on my own would be significantly more expensive.

I would’ve gone for it if it was available on the Verizon network. Unfortunately, I’m using a family plan ATM and

I’ve never understood Japanese naming conventions for subsequent seasons of anime. Why does it need a new name every season? Does it actually succeed in generating additional hype?

I actually fully expect Final Fantasy 7 to see a multiplatform release. The wording during the announcement would suggest that PS4 is just going to have limited time exclusivity. Still, Xbox One is not the system for JRPGs in general. If MS wants to see JRPGs on their systems then they’re gonna have to shell out a lot

“our time” could literally be any period of time. For all we know Greg could be in his 50s, in which case he would’ve been playing since Atari 2600.

One would assume that he’s going to have a handler looking over his shoulder. I don’t expect him to change overnight, but it’s a step. Over many years of therapy he might see the error of his ways. For now all we can do is hope that he learns his lesson.

It teaches him to use his skillset in a positive way. Not only is he helping society, but he is doing it by taking down cyber-criminals such as himself. Just because a punishment is lenient does not mean it is ineffective. If the purpose of the justice system is to rehabilitate criminals then throwing them in a cell

I think of Ubisoft and EA less of direct competitors to Steam and more like a middle finger to steam. It’s like Nintendo with every console release. “Fuck you, DVD, eat shit, BluRay, we’ll make our own optic formats so we don’t have to pay your license fees.”

I’m actually really satisfied by this punishment. Not only does it give a sense of justice, but it’s rehabilitative as well.

I found it very strange that the Majora’s Mask 3DS wasn’t the New 3DS. Given that they both released on the same day in EU and NA it seemed like a ripe opportunity to get a ton of new adopters. I guess this way they’d be more likely to purchase 2 3DS’s.

While it’s a bummer that it won’t be coming to normal 3DS users because I’d love to play it on the go, this game is going to get me to convert. I’m okay with waiting until the next big Nintendo handheld comes out and either playing it on the new console because it has backwards compatibility or buying a new 3DS at

That doesn’t change the fact that they’re considered A-tier cosplayers and are by far two of the most known.