The Palmtop Tiger

I’m not sure I see the issue with these compared to other anime releases. The changes look mostly like quality assurance. Some of the stuff, like changing the positions of trees or leaf colors, seem questionable to me, but I don’t have the context since I’ve never seen this series.

Yup, that’s a face.

I mean, it’s Jared Leto. I have no doubts that he’ll be good, but good acting doesn’t make a costume any better.

One of the many reasons I dislike Kinja.

This is definitely an exaggeration, but it did prove that people’s fears about Valve were not unfounded. Their position within the PC gaming community, essentially a monopoly, gives them power to do whatever they want. The decision to charge for mods will significantly change the landscape of PC gaming due to Valve’s

I don’t really think it’s the same thing. Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, and Team Fortress started as mods, but when they went on to become full-fledged games there was a substantial improvement. That is not the case with these workshop games. They are the exact same mods that they were a mere two weeks ago. Also

That’s really cool. Thanks for the info.

You’re probably an outlier...

At the end of the day leveling is a miniscule part of Diablo 3 and is more of a chore than actual fun.

Himeji Castle is pretty interesting. It’s pretty massive, and it’s certainly the most well known Japanese castle today, but at the time it was just another castle. The reason it stands out today is because the Tokogawa Shogunate destroyed a great many castles in order to centralize power. Then a bunch more were

I understand what you’re saying, but theory and practice are often very different. In many cases sports lovers are some of the fattest most disgusting people I’ve ever seen. That’s not to say that there aren’t those who are motivated by pros, but it’s a bit misguided to think that ESPN is going to be the final push

This one really gets me. I can’t tell if it’s a troll, but I’m taking the bait. How exactly is sitting on the couch and watching people play basketball going to help the American obesity problem? It’s like people are losing weight by imagining themselves as the basketball players.

Since when do friends not play to win? Since when is rivalry not a part of being friends? Why would anyone enter a tournament, let alone a top-level tourny, and not do their best? Are you really a pro if you’re willing to rest on your laurels?

There’s certain aspects that I like and others that I don’t. The forehead tattoo and “ha ha” tattoos are a bit over the top. I don’t think that the grill is appropriate either. I like the mouth on his forearm and the joker on his chest though. I’m also digging the shade of green and shorter hair.

I think that the Halo series did a good job with their deaths. No death screen, no “continue?” it just revives you at the last checkpoint and you try again with no repercussions. Obviously, this wouldn’t work for all games, but it was very nice in the Halo series. It also helped maintain the pace of the action since

Selling mods isn’t inherently bad, but it does change the modder-player dynamic. If a mod messes up the modder’s game then the excuse that it’s a mod made by a dedicated individual for no compensation is no longer an excuse. It isn’t a labor of love anymore. The modders are now delivering a product, and if that

He said that her past was dark, not that it was dark because she did porn. He even bolded the part he wanted you to pay attention to. Typical SJW, completely misses the point.

Of all the Dinklage movies you could’ve chosen, why Elf? I would’ve gone with The Station Agent, which is easily his best work (excluding, maybe, Game of Thrones; it’s a close race.)

We in EU have a major deflation which means that the dollar’s value is increasing while our salary isn’t.

Wouldn’t RE4 on Gamecube vs Wii have been a more apt comparison, especially considering that one of them makes use of motion controls and the other a more classic control scheme?