The Palmtop Tiger

PSA: Just to be clear, there's a way to criticize a piece of work without being offensive toward the developer. It seems to be a lost art on the internet, but when reviewing a piece of work judging the work and not the developer is a key to not being sued. Saying that Spirited Away was a piece of shit, (it isn't,) is

It's no surprise, really. I mean, they have a law which can incarcerate those who insult Turkish-ness for up to three years. Another statute outlaws blasphemy and offenders can be imprisoned for up to three years. A TV station was fined for airing a blasphemous episode of The Simpsons. Turkey banned hundreds if not

Wow, thanks so much for the insightful answer. I'll definitely be looking in to it as I reach my graduation date, which is only about a year away.

Shit man, people wear glasses without prescriptions all the time.

I'm not sure how I'd feel about him growing it back. On the one hand, it was a big part of his identity during the 80s, but by 2000 he had created a new image for himself when he grew out his hair and shaved the 'stache. I guess it's fine if he's creating another style, but I don't think that going back to the tight

I'm still kind of stunned that I actually just played it.

Getting directly to Japan as an animator would be very difficult. I came to Japan first as an English teacher, learned the language a bit, and then apply for anime studios after being here a couple years. Thats probably the best way to to it in my opinion. During that time as an English teacher you can also nice and

Don't have a cow.

If it weren't for the capsule corp sticker I would've had considerable difficulty figuring out who this was.

Maybe we'll stop having sex with each other. Maybe this is the end of humanity.

Implying that no one would call this a piece of shit if it weren't for Gamergate.

Steam just kicked off a great sale on over 50 games coming to SteamOS. Highlights includePAYDAY 2 for $6, Civ V for $7, FTL for $4, and Kerbal Space Program for $18, but be sure to check out the full list. [SteamOS Sale]

Shadow of Mordor, despite receiving some praise from critics, has a much lower metacritic rating than any other GDC GOTY winner so far. This either indicates that critics and developers value different things or that this year's nominations were of lower quality than previous years.

Wraithen is saying that you can tell this article is from Kotaku UK without needing to be told, not that such a fact should be omitted.

That the terminology used in the first paragraph is chiefly British.

If you don't mind, I'm going to piggyback off of you since I made some of the same points. Everything that follows is relevant only to the use of anime as it is known to the western world. I don't know enough about the word within Japan to make a judgement on how they should use the word.

There's warmer clothes out there than a fleece jacket and a turtleneck. Look at any army around the world, look at the UK, Cammy's country of origin, and you'll see that no military is walking around in an olive drab fleece jacket. For neck/face protection you're more likely to see a soldier wearing a balaclava than a

Once you're on your back why would an enemy bang on your plate armor? Every joint is unprotected and becomes a weak point once you're incapable of defending yourself.

There are actually a few tear-jerking episodes in this. If anyone has ever seen this show and thought that it was too immature or whatever then I highly recommend watching the episodes which explore Ice King and Marcelline's backstory.

Remember DSiWear? It could've been renamed Shovelwear and been just as accurate. I think that this is less of an issue with the 3DS so far, but my god, on the DSi I felt like I was panning for gold.