The Palmtop Tiger

If Marvel really wants to surprise people, they'll retire Peter Parker as their main web-slinger and officially give the web-shooters to his Ultimate Universe successor. The Renew Your Vows series might just leave us with a married Spider-Man who's a dad, one who might see a responsibility to both mentor Miles and

No, the real Project M is actually a much more balanced game than vanilla Brawl. It makes general changes to game mechanics (bye bye random tripping) and pretty major changes to some characters. Each of the Pokemon are now separate characters, as is Zero Suit Samus, and Sheik. It also adds MewTwo and Roy to the game.

It's always the eyes. The others probably look less bizarre because their eyes are less open or are otherwise obscured.

Messaging certainly is, and I'll most likely be replacing whatever Windows Media Player they package it with. A photo previewer is kind of nice, but I'll be replacing whatever photo manipulator is included with GIMP.

Of course, the publishers would have to be onboard with that and I doubt they would be, except for games they were never gonna make for PC anyway.

An Improved Suite of Built-In Apps

What would their incentive be? They don't make money off of software released on Windows and they have such a massive market share that it wouldn't entice anyone to buy Windows.

Shh, just let him have this. A boy can dream.

Now, it's official: Bethesda is re-releasing the game as "Tamriel Unlimited," a version without subscription fees that will go live on March 17 for PC/Mac and on June 9 for PS4/Xbox One.

RIP in peace sweet slime.

Has anyone read the description on Steam? It makes me want to punch myself in the face.

Don't have a cow. Whoever took the screenshot had the map set to "total bytes" instead of "average download rate."

To Tank Or Not To Tank

They sound remotely familiar, but I couldn't tell you what characters they play or what they look like.

Seriously, I can't name even one Smash player despite occasionally watching tournies.

I think you're out of your mind. The novelty of an open world shooter wore off quickly and the next 3/4 of the game were a slog. The diamond hunting, malaria, degrading weapons, respawning checkpoints, and map system were all pains in the ass and added little to the game. While the game was certainly ambitious, I

But I don't want to play World of Tanks; I want an explanation. I want to know how and why this product — a niche video game about a niche interest — has now topped over 100 million users. I want to know where all this bloody money comes from.

Wow, that really blows!

Angles are hip, right? Let's get this kid more angular hair.