The Palmtop Tiger

While I understand what you're saying, I'm not sure how else they could have handled it. I doubt Nick would've allowed Korra to have a full-on lesbian relationship. They'd probably have a riot on their hands from angry sexually repressed soccer moms. I'm not claiming that it was a great way to handle the relationship,

That's two of the better looking designs. I still don't have a current gen console; if this was released in the US I would definitely consider purchasing it.

Is it as good as the PC version? I was a bit skeptical when I first saw it pop up on the app store.

Is it as good as the PC version? I was a bit skeptical when I first saw it pop up on the app store.

It also hid the mouse cursor from view and locked it in to the game window. Previously it was literally impossible to play if you had a dual monitor.

They probably bumped it up because it has more "great" games.

I kind of felt like this came out of left field. While Zhu Li has expressed her feelings over the course of this season, Varrik never made any indication of it. It really felt like this was shoehorned in and exists solely to appease the fans. It doesn't make me any less glad that it happened, but I also think that it

ODST received hate because it wasn't really a Halo game. I mean, it was thematically, but it played very differently from the rest of the series. I wonder if it wasn't called a Halo game if it would've received such a lukewarm reception.

Really, the only one that isn't cringe-worthy. Having a themed car is fun, but it's strange that all of them seem to be of a moe anime girl. I've never seen photos of action anime themes or really anything but cute anime girls.

Is it like the days of old, when a Nintendo fan could own just a N64 or a Gamecube, and not miss out on most 3rd party titles?

Agreed, they're pretty fantastic, but the amount of rough detail is almost overwhelming me. It still seems like something worth having if you're particularly interested in Dark Souls though.

I think that the artist wanted to pair her with a cutesy pokemon, and Wigglytuff definitely fits the bill, as would Cleffary.

That's assuming that he's going to live there full time. It's possible that he'll continue living in Sweden and use this home seasonally or something. In that case he'll probably just hire cleaners right before he's scheduled to show up.

Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB

This is a question I find myself asking at the end/beginning of every console cycle. Publishers should just all in on a decision. Are they going to continue making quality last-gen games or are they going to drop support entirely? I really don't think that half-assing it is doing anyone favors.

inb4 people start taking turns killing each other in the name of sportsmanship.

Agreed, TB played this game terribly. That out of the way, this game is still really bad. I got it as part of a bundle, Indie Gala I think, and it's so bad that I almost wish I hadn't purchased the bundle at all just so I won't have to see Bad Rats in my library.

Now playing

My personal favorite is Bad Rats. It's truly horrific.

Doesn't need to be part of a series to be a collectable, pretty sure those collectables you bought are worth less than my Zero Suit Samus model and my SR-2 Normandy statue, both are certified. Your collectables will be worth at best a fraction of what my items will be in a few years just like now.

You take that back. Those movies were at least okay.

Were those figures officially sanctioned by Nintendo? Were they as cheap as 10 USD? Were they available at your local game store? Were they part of a collectible series?