The Palmtop Tiger

Valve always puts their best people on naming their Steam services. I mean, the name "Steam Music Player" almost blew my mind.

Christ, don't encourage them! At the beginning of this semester I had to sit through some loon in my philosophy class talk about how we're in the Matrix and that she believes that our destinies are determined by astrology.

That's especially true when you consider that (popular) first-party Nintendo titles seldom see price drops or discounts.

FF10 is still #13 on the most requested remakes.

I have all of my passwords in a txt document on 2 seperate flash drives. If at any point I forget my passwords I just pop it in and look it up. It's a little more time consuming than just having the same password for everything, but it's probably more secure as well.

I'm very conflicted about tourism. On the one hand, tourists disrupt the daily life of the locals and can have serious long-term effects on the local economy. On the other hand, I want to see this shit real bad. The thing is, even if you're as respectful of local culture as possible, your mere presence is a

I guess one just wasn't enough. They need to hear Tidus laughing on 3 systems simultaniously.

Literally any moment where Megan Fox opened her mouth. It was just a really bad casting decision that he made 3 times and for some reason Hollywood has continued to make over the past decade.

Lame! People in that thread seem pretty upset and the employee who tried to difuse the situation got blown to smithereans. I guess CR will be getting one less customer this year. Thanks for the heads up.

I can't tell if you're joking or if you've just repressed the memory of Megan Fox's acting.

Do you have any idea if Crunchyroll is going to be discounting their membership? Last year they gave 50% off, which was amazing for me.

A good journalist can spin it, but won't. A good PR coordinator will. It's all about ethics. Journalists have an ethical obligation to inform the public with as little bias as humanly possible. That's no longer the case, especially in broadcast journalism, but I like to think that there are a few gold nuggets out

Steam is both the most well known and most accessible digital distributer ATM. It was also one of the first digital distributers to offer really deep cuts on their products. At this point I think it's more about the legacy than the present reality.

Very frustrating and very slow. I didn't have fun killing zombies. It wasn't a scary game. You have no connection to your character (because it's always changing, and beyond that, they're silent.) The story is uninspired too.

No, I'm talking about ZombiU.

If you like the idea of adventuring around a big city like Paris, France, I'd go with X & Y. The Kalos region will be more to your liking, even if its depiction of France can be a bit cartoonish. If nothing else, X & Y feels like a more cohesive game, at least in terms of theme.

I honestly couldn't stand the game, but I'm sure that I'm in the vast minority.

Of course, if you're a student then you should take full advantage of their student program. It includes 6 free months of Prime and 50% off from thereon out. It's a pretty good deal IMO. All you need is a .edu email address.

Of course, if you're a student then you should take full advantage of their student program. It includes 6 free

Playing Warcraft 3 and wishing I had WoW. Several months later I got WoW and was wishing that I had Warcraft 4.

The same thing was true of the PS3, but it didn't stop people from buying it on Ebay for $700+ at release.