The Palmtop Tiger

But when the deliveries aren't so blind, as in the three-crate Amiibo figure subscription, I'm not sure I see the point.

I think that this logic is ass-backwards. As anyone who's been on the receiving end of bullying can attest, ignoring them does nothing. If you really want to stop ass-hats who keep talking shit then you have to cut their tongues out.

From start to finish, that movement was fucked. No leadership, no goals, no control. Protestors finally got air time and squandered it by making like 50 demands instead of making a concentrated few. There are far more prominent things that condemned that movement.

I actually lol'd on that link because I know precisely the comic they drew over. There are some things that are so wildly offensive and out in left field that you can't help chuckling, shaking your head, and wondering what the author was thinking.

I vomited a little as it passed my lips on the brow-furrowed fifth reading.

I actually like this episode.

I actually had a Rude Dog VHS until recently. I never noticed how truly terrible that car animation is. I like how the fender just pops in to view in its entirety in a single frame.

You're killing me, Blizzard. Just give me another RTS. It doesn't even have to be any time in the near future, just tell me it's in the pipeline.

Nintendogs dog, Resetti, and that blue devil asshole were my primary reasons for disabling items in Brawl. They're stupid as shit. Resetti is amusing, but the others can go die.

Dat feminism.

Ha, I finally knew about a game before it was announced. Feels good.

Maybe the kid would be so impressed by the cop's athleticism that he would just turn himself in.

Yes. I love it. I want more. Cartoon Hangover's web series have been really good.

Yes. The machines are called Coca-Cola Freestyle and orange is one of the available Coca-Cola flavors. They have a lot of flavors that aren't normally available in store. Check them out here.

Not harsh enough...never harsh enough.

sell you a whole bunch of different versions just so you can experience that one cool thing.

I've always thought that sports games are rehashes. For the most part, I think that you could essentially do DLC roster updates instead of a new $60 retail version every sports season.

Yes and no. On the one hand, yes females within the gaming industry are receiving threats. On the other, so is everyone else. I don't think that it's indicative of gamers as a whole. I think that there are a fair number of gamers who agree completely with Sarkeesian and her lot. There are some that think that she's

Only if it's well implemented. The Dark Souls mod, for example, is not great.

I frickin love Prime. I doubt that I'll need cloud photo storage, but I'll be damned if I don't take advantage of it.