The Palmtop Tiger

If that's the case then he's running out of time, we're only a month away from release. It just seems like a really strange marketing strategy and Sakurai is really strange about his game being revealed. Do you remember how butthurt he was because people were uploading the cutscenes from the subspace emissary? He

Don't worry, there's probably a cart racing mini-game.

I think that Nintendo's, and more so Sakurai's, policy of keeping as much secret as possible is really shooting them in the foot. How are you supposed to market a game when you can't tell anyone about some of the best features? Hint: you can't.

Either you're making an assumption or I missed a very big announcement. Last I heard was that Level 5 was considering localization and asked for public opinion.

Take a guess...

I just logged on to DayZ for the first time in several months, and I have to ask. What the shit is up with all of the "friendly" servers? IIRC Bohemia implemented a rule that public hive servers are not allowed to be PVE and that PVE servers would be suspended until the issue could be addressed by Bohemia.

It looks like you get to keep it forever if you redeem the download before tomorrow 1PM EST. On the free weekend games it usually says" X days (or hours) left," but Payday: The Heist doesn't have that.

Okay, it's available now.

FREE PayDay: The Heist | Steam

God bless Amazon,

Moving on from the topic of the 3DS version of the game to the upcoming Wii U version, Sakurai addressed questions on the topic. On the subject of compatibility between the 3DS and Wii U versions of the game, Sakurai noted, "If you have the 3DS version of Smash Bros. you will be able to use your 3DS as a controller

Anybody who legitimately wants to discuss ethics in gaming journalism is on the outside of the movement, attempting to distance itself from a core that is fighting mightily to stay behind that shield. They'd be better served completely renouncing any ties to GamerGate rather than trying to legitimize the movement

Beyond Earth takes place immediately after a space victory in Civilization V, sort of like a direct sequel; where the old game ended with a ship heading for the stars, that's where you begin this one.

In an increasingly secular world one of the biggest issues that religions are currently facing is attracting a younger crowd. This seems like a decent way to do it; mom and dad are praying while the rugrat is playing "where's Doraemon?"

I absolutely can't stand Anita Sarkeesian, frankly I think she's full of shit, but it definitely doesn't warrant death threats. Even as someone who can't stand the woman, I wouldn't mind sitting in on one of her lectures, I might learn something. The world is filled with some real dicks; I hope he/she gets caught and

The Dark Portal was the epitome of cool. I was a big Warcraft 3 fan and when vanilla WoW came out I raced to level 40 and with my newly-purchased mount, I tried to get to the dark portal just to see its sheer size. It was pretty amazing.

I think that's what they were going for, and I totally love it.

Hell yeah they are. GBA, GBA SP, and GBA Micro. Sega was pretty good at it too, they had like 8 versions of the Genesis/Megadrive.

I'll need to check that out, my brother bought the DVDs, but I streamed the show so I never watched the extras. Is it book 2 of the original or Korra?

Each nation has a different real-world correlation. The Earth Kingdom is communist China, they use all sorts of propaganda, brainwash their citizens, and have a secret police which squashes any dissent. The Fire Nation is (was) WW2 Japan, they were hell bent on world domination and didn't mind committing atrocities