The Palmtop Tiger

Don't you dare talk shit about Spanish 101.

"Older college students get in to trouble while making references to 80s-90s pop culture. Chevy Chase is perpetually confused by everything."

Personally, I only buy films (and TV shows) that I'm likely to watch more than once. My DVD collection is basically Scrubs, Airplane!, Shrek, and Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.

I've never given it much thought I guess, I just kind of take it as it is. Each anime has its own distinct style, and as long as side-mouth fits within that style I tend to be fine with it. If however, for whatever reason, ridiculous side mouth is shown in an otherwise anatomically correct show, I think that I'd be a

8 and 16-bit emulators work very well. 32-bit is a bit wonky, and depending on the game it is unplayable. Worth Noting: The Nintendo DS emulator in the Ouya app store, "NDS4Droid" works, but just barely. You're likely to get ~ 10 FPS, which I guess for an early build isn't bad, but it's not really consumer ready. On

Well done.

Well done.

You are king. Did you raise hell to get the substitution discounts or did they just offer it when they saw that they didn't have what you wanted? I've never had a big retail store offer discounts from the goodness of their hearts.

You are king. Did you raise hell to get the substitution discounts or did they just offer it when they saw that they

RIP pug. When this kid's character dies it's all over for you.

how scratched up do you think that tablet got after being clawed to death by these cats?

Bless this dev for putting the alpha up for free.

Game manuals were my toilet reading material during childhood. I actually read WoW's and W3's manuals + strategy guides from cover to cover. Starting with the 360 I needed to abandon that practice and I ended up buying 3 of these babies:

It breaks my heart to see a dev pour in so much work only to throw it in the wastebin and start over again.

Dean Rocket Hall actually announced that they were moving to another engine a few days ago. It probably won't make any significant changes, but it'll hopefully optimize the game. TBH, it kind of scares the shit out of me how he's describing it. It sounds like some sort of Frankenstein's Monster.

I bought the Naruto game on Steam the other day and was severely disappointed to find that this didn't happen to Pain.

The ref looks so confused.

But most, if not all of the nutrients would be lost during the cooking process or when it's converted in to pill form. The only way to ensure that you're getting the maximum amount of nutrients is eating it raw, which brings me back to my biggest issue: disease.

Chris Jager, a Lifehacker Australia Journalist. Perhaps most famous on the internet for the time he created, then ate, a placenta pizza using his daughter's actual placenta.

Yeah, but you could pay for an instant revive, it was fucking stupid. Just throw that on to the mound of shitty moneygrubbing design decisions.

Well this version is... Impa was only a bodyguard in Ocarina of Time. In every other appearance she's a nanny/maid.

I can't wait to play as the royal nanny. In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to this game. I haven't played a Dynasty Warriors-type game in like a decade.