The Palmtop Tiger

That wasn't a peripheral though.

My friends refer to all Super Smash Bros. as "Brawl." There's Brawl for Gamecube, Brawl for N64, just plain old Brawl, and New Brawl (referring to the Wii U Smash Bros.) They're not smart people.

Hmm. Put the number 4 in the title and I'll accept it.

Gamers care about that sort of thing, if they didn't then you wouldn't see covers with explosions and shit. IDK if you remember, but Bioshock Infinite had a massive amount of alternative cases. In the end they decided to submit the competing designs for a poll and have the winning art become the official cover.

Whoa there Shakespeare. Quite a bit is in a name, just ask any competent marketing team.

I can't help but be concerned when company presidents leave the country which their HQ is centered in for several days to make an announcement. TBH, I'd rather that he stayed and continued to work, he could just as easily let Reggie or some underling make the announcement.

It's a reference to the Kinect being removed from the Xbone and the Vita's poor sales.

It would have had to be alive first to be resurrected. =/

Remember when the Wii U first came out and people were trying to put Wii U games in to their Wii? Good times. People have learned their colors and letters since then, but I can't be too sure.

I'm not looking down on the label "nerd," I'm trying to make the point that Pokemon is stigmatized while other eSports are not (or not as much.) I play Civ, RPGs, and ARMA intensively, it doesn't get much nerdier when it comes to video games, I even listened to nerdcore for a time because I found it relatable. My

LoL has crits, though they're much more predictable based on a character's items.

They're awful names, just absolutely terrible. Unfortunately, that's been Nintendo's naming scheme for a while now, (e.g. "New Super Mario Bros. U.")

At 32 million online viewers and a full stadium (about 3/10ths of the record superbowl viewership,) I think that LoL has gained enough traction to separate itself from something that's only for nerds. When I was in high school (before the idea of "seasons" was even announced) LoL was already being played by a few

I don't like it.

Is Super Smash Bros. Wii U the official name or just a working title? I can't imagine it being official since the game is multi-platform.

I wouldn't mind horses being officially added to Arma 3. They're adding silly vehicles like go-carts anyway. They have small animals in the game as well, and Arma 2 had big animals (pigs and sheep) which had basic AI and some function in DayZ mod (killed for food.) Arma 2 also had some less functional vehicles like

That molehill seems to have gotten larger.

I think that regular sports actually deal with the same issue. Even if you understand the basics of a sport it's very difficult to recognize an amazing play. Odds are that you understand that getting a grand slam is relatively difficult to do, but without trying to score a home run when under pressure or knowing the

Every time I've seen someone use mill/burn decks their opponent gets upset. I mean, those types of decks have their own weaknesses, so it's not like they're the be-all end-all of ygo, so I don't really see the big deal, but some people aren't happy about those decks. Maybe those decks are more common at upper-level

I feel bad for Pokemon competitors. While League of Legends and FPS pro gamers get heralded as champions of esports, pokemon tournies remains firmly in the "for nerds" camp despite the game's immense popularity. It's kind of sad because Pokemon requires an immense amount of work when played legitimately; they probably