The Palmtop Tiger

Notice the orange tank that's partially obscured by his arm? If that thing is his butthole(s) then he's wearing a tank on his front like some sort of weirdo.

Go on.

Sweet Jesus, that may be the nastiest infection I've ever seen. I've never seen green ooze coming out of someone's cod piece.

I can't help chuckle whenever I hear this. Wouldn't it be better to ask if people still play Everquest or Ultima Online? BTW, the answer to all three is a resounding yes.

My favorite part is where they ask me my favorite polygon and the choices are polyhedrons, a circle and a cylinder (which are neither polyhedrons nor polygons.) Get your geometry in check yo!

Un, meet Plug. This solves my tinfoil hat problems 90% of the time. If only batteries weren't a thing, that's why I hand-crank all of my mobile electronics, I can't risk the corporations trying to indoctrinate me with their radio waves. If you disagree then they already got to you.

IDK, it seems like hes stating that Watch Dogs literally teachers people how to hack. The whole 11 minute rant was really cockamamie. I cringed when he said that this technology changes people and he segued in to reading novels on an e-reader as opposed to a book. I don't know of a single person who can find a quote

Floating around the office.

I enjoyed the series quite a bit, but not as much as some other random shows. Richard, if you enjoyed this then you should do a Nichijou review. It's the most over the top absurd show I've ever watched. It was absolutely brilliant, and it's been in my top 3 since its 2011 release. This is one of the few shows that I'd

Praise Jebus.

I wonder why WB is still paying for the site. I can't imagine that they get any revenue from it. Are they doing it as like a time capsule type thing? They're probably doing it just so they can protect the Space Jam name. It also makes me wonder if there's a new Space Jam floating around somewhere, I'd be pretty

Can someone better define "information service" for me? The term seems kind of ambiguous, and it seems like it could apply to any service that distributes information.

I think that the Attack on Titan Fan Game does a pretty good job of with their swinging. Getting off a good chain of swing and attack is really satisfying. It had me hooked for a couple of weeks, which is pretty impressive for a quick and dirty pre-alpha prototype game.

Just pull the cord a little, it'll freeze the N64. Make sure to follow up with "I guess we'll never know who would've won."

I guess you never experienced kids coming in to school bragging that they maxed out a Final Fantasy timer or unlocked Shen Long. People brag about all sorts of stupid shit, and it isn't limited to video games either. If you hang out in a bar you're bound to hear some asshole talk about how he harpooned Moby Dick or

I have the draw distance set to about 3k. Since I can only hit a target at like 2k more isn't really necessary.

My aunt gets stuff from Groupon all the time. If you read the fine print on the sidebar it'll say how long it should take for delivery, generally speaking it's like 2 weeks. My aunt has never had a problem with not receiving her purchases, so you're probably fine.

Between the closure of Warhammer Online and the failure of Dungeon Keeper, as a third party observer I'm not surprised it was shut down. These in-house developing studios need to constantly bring in revenue and if they're not then the publisher is likely to give them the axe. It's unfortunate, but that's the way

I'm glad someone knows that spoilers have an expiration date.

That's all true. A Hindu kid came in to my school with a henna swastika tattooed on his hand and I had to step in and talk down a teacher who was flipping out about it. Unfortunately the swastika has become very stigmatized in the west and very few people recognize it as anything but a Nazi symbol, the same goes with