The Palmtop Tiger

No one wins with a tablet free Wii U.

Nice, I've been thinking about getting an SSD myself, or at least a new HDD. When I built my PC I was a little short on cash so I skimped out on the HDD and now I'm kicking myself in the ass because it occasionally makes some weird noises. I think it might die.

Comparing the Kinect and the Wii U Gamepad isn't exactly right. The Wii U was designed around the gamepad, and it is marketed as the Wii U's main attraction, without it we're just looking at decade old hardware. In contrast, Kinect was a tack-on with limited appeal, and it is marketed as just one feature of the

MMO subscriptions are still a thing despite the fact that I pay for an internet connection and $60 for a disk that only has half an installation.

Says 70k for me with Mario selling almost 59. That's a pretty impressive revival.

The same reason that the Jews were so adverse to sodomy. I don't see what this has to do with a typo though.

What a cunt. Sure, the writers should proofread before they submit, but this response is just over the top.

I see, thanks for the clarification.

I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the new format for the moneysaver. It's not bad, I just feel like there's too many pictures, and the thumbnail size detracts from the "cool" factor that the big pictures had. I'm just one person though, maybe others will disagree.

Or you can send it to me, I'll even pay for shipping.

Why not just mute the audio though?

I understand not including sound effects in an early teaser, but I don't get why they'd put in a strange wind-tunnel audio.

I wonder how much it would cost to roll out the update just for the bandwidth, not even the coding.

I haven't heard people use the American numbering for over a decade.

I want Cerberus Arcanine. He was my favorite Gen 1 pokemon, and he's still a contender for my favorite fire pokemon.

I think it could've worked if it was handled like the free PS+ games are, that is, you have access to them for as long as you are a PS+ member, you lose access if you stop the subscription, but when you renew the games are waiting for you.

I just finished reading Asselin's article. I thought it was well written and brought up some valid points, to include the issue of WG's titties. I don't think that threats like Asselin is seeing are ever warranted, but especially not when the person being insulted has a valid point.

God yes. I have all these great memories of early shooters, but when I go back to play them the control scheme reminds me just how archaic it is. I'm fairly certain that most games that originally had keyboard-only controls are now being sold with an adapted, more modern control scheme, so it really isn't an issue.

Damn you exclusive games! This hurts so much because I know that I'm not going to get an Xbone for at least a few years, if at all. I'm sure there will be other good exclusives (on both PS4 and Xbone) that I won't get to experience either since I'm primarily a PC gamer.

Let's not talk about Lucky Star. Out of all the anime I've watched, Lucky Star is among maybe three series that I just couldn't finish.