The Palmtop Tiger

I wonder how cheap those houses are. For the right price (and if it wasn't in China) I'd move there.

That's pretty awesome. I love pictures of abandoned buildings. I actually have a folder of "abandon porn" which has 1080p+ images for my desktop. I have another folder filled with photos of grafitti and street art. Example:

I charge a five cent royalty fee every time you use it.

That's the primary reason I stopped playing WoW, it just stopped being fun. Whenever my friends log on to WoW all I hear (through Teamspeak, Mumble, Raidcall, whatever we happen to be using at the time) is how much they hate doing daily quests and other shit. Why would I pay to be miserable?

I wish PC gaming was taken more seriously in Japan. I rarely use my consoles with the exception of the 3ds, so dusting off my consoles for the latest Jap game is kind of a hassle.

That's the most mobile archer I've ever seen.

SWTOR's issues go (went?) far beyond the tab targeting. Part of the biggest issue, at least within the first few months, (idk if it changed since the last time I played) was that it was essentially a single player game. The writing was fantastic, but there wasn't much benefit to partying up since you had companions,

You mean tab-targeting? It's been around since at least Everquest and Asheron's Call, far before WoW.

mazel tov.

Why the hell is the contrast cranked up so high on every Xbone game? The darks are way too fucking dark! This is obviously my personal preference, but that raises the question, do the 360 and Xbone versions have a contrast and brightness slider? I feel like that should be a standard feature.

I'm pretty psyched for this. The pressure is on for Supergiant, this will either prove that that they have some serious chops or that Bastion was just a fluke. I'm optimistic, there's no way that Bastion was luck.

Guys do this because they don't know or aren't confident enough to do it any other way.

The first letter brought me back to the "nice guy" article in which Dr. Nerd Love makes the distinction between a nice guy and a good guy. A nice guy is one who makes a passive attempt to woo a female by doing nice things. A good guy is someone who genuinely does those nice things because it's in his nature. I'm not

Conan is pretty cool, I like him better than both Jay Leno and Jimmy Fallon. I think that Seth Meyers is funnier than him, but he's still adjusting to his role as a late night host IMO.

Says he doesn't want pedo panty shots, lists Gurren Lagann as something he does want. >.>

What do you guys think of Funimation's premium service? It seems a tad expensive for what you're getting IMO. I mean, Crunchyroll's service costs 2 dollars less per month, and if you wait until Thanksgiving (I'm sure other times too) then you can get a year's subscription 1/2 off with $15 store credit. Not only is the

It's marketed as an adult MMO. That aside, it looks pretty fantastic both graphically and gameplay-wise, as many Korean MMOs in the past few years have.

1. Simon's Giga Drill Break—Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

lmao, I so don't care about The Last Guardian anymore. I'll buy it if it ever comes out since Ico's other games were so good, but is there any hype for that game at this point? I feel like Sony sat on that egg for way too long. It's been in development for like 7 years, it's reaching legendary vaporware status.

I'm gonna need some examples on that. The only thing that comes to mind is Tomb Raider.