The Palmtop Tiger

That's really my issue with the new layout. There is a lot of fluff conversation, and it is difficult to find good ones.

I would've actually preferred the story switch to Gohan. I thought that he was a generally better character than Goku and certainly more badass. I lost so much respect for him after the time skip when he became Saiyaman.

Bummer, sorry that you had driver issues. I've had some issues with drivers as well, especially beta drivers. I usually wait a few weeks before downloading an update to see if there are a lot of issues with that specific version.

I highly recommend Gunstar Heroe. I think it is easily one of the best and lesser known titles on the Genesis. Kid Chameleon is another favorite.

Or if your PC is up to snuff then that's always an option.

From io9's Robert T. Gozalez: Just a heads up: Amazon's got a nice lineup of stuff on sale this week from Joss Whedon's television oeuvre, with box sets of Buffy, Firefly, and more available in DVD and Blu-Ray offerings. (Firefly and Dollhouse season 1 Blu-rays are region-free, too, which is always nice.) Fans looking

No kidding. I would've probably bought it at $60. Keep up the good work.

Logitech G510s Gaming Keyboard with Game Panel LCD Screen ($60) | Amazon

It was essentially WASD except W was to sprint and everything else was moved down a row, so it was essentially WSZXC. It really threw me for a loop, and I constantly found myself subconsciously repositioning to WASD and wondering why I could only go forward and why the default movement speed was sprint instead of

I can't really comment on the new Thief since I haven't played it. I'm just saying that the old control scheme was a chore.

Maybe, but the primary issue is that a lot of the Marvel content features crossovers. While it may not be as pronounced as say, removing Wolverine from the X-Men or The Green Lantern from the Justice League, the issue still exists. The missing IPs prevents Marvel from doing some cool stuff like the Civil War series or

I was able to understand him, but I turned on the captions just to see how terribly Youtube botched the transcription. Somehow this is one of the few videos that had a passable transcription; most of what I've seen don't even resemble what is being said. It's strange that their software is able to understand this

I think that the old games are a chore in that their control scheme is really archaic. Five movement keys plus sneaking/crouching key plus leaning? Mapping jump and blocking to the same key? I tried playing Thief Gold when it was being offered for free by Amazon, but I just couldn't get past the control scheme. Even

As far as you know. They sold us on Far Cry 3 trailers by saying that they were real time, we later learned that they weren't. Aliens: Colonial Marines trailers were supposedly real-time, we got duped big time on that one too. Game marketing has become pretty underhanded. I'm surprised that no one has gotten these

While it is unlikely that the PS4 version will run better, he does have a point. Multiplatform PC ports tend to get the shaft, take a look at any Sega PC game, or the painful Dark Souls port.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe initiative has been a massive success for Disney, and the comics giant is allegedly building a similar collective continuity across its games.

This comment was pure gold. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I read this beauty.


I had issues (and still do) with Wifi as well. That's partially due to the poor wifi signal in my house, but the Ouya had trouble connecting even where the signal was strongest. Ultimately I just used an ethernet cable.

I think that adding NPCs is actually a goal for them. As it stands now though, I think that it would be a bit unstable. Even without NPCs I'm getting frequent crashes from driving too fast or having too many explosions at once.