The Palmtop Tiger

Humble Double Debut featuring Devolver Digital

I'd take Wind Waker's aesthetics over Twilight Princess's graphical fidelity any day. Wind Waker looks pretty fantastic and it translated well in to HD. Personally though, I think Minish Cap looks killer.

Over the past month or two I've come to the realization that I just want someone to make Google Maps' streetview in to a game.

Except that Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones series) is a 2 decade old novel series and the information is out there.

I was tagged too. I uploaded a subbed version of the first Naruto movie just as America was getting its first few episodes. I got hit like six months afterwards. I didn't get in any serious trouble, if I remember correctly all of the videos got removed and I got a temporary uploading suspension. Now my account is in

Hmm, I have to wonder how well a disc-free console would do. I think that it would have limited appeal as it 1) requires users to have a fast internet connection 2) eliminates the ability to get pre-owned games 3) requires people to use up valuable storage space. While I imagine that people living in large cities

Same here, thanks Shane.

I'm waiting to play Mario Kart: Double Dash 2 on my PC. Banjo Kazooie is a welcome addition though; if there was one game that really disappointed me last gen, it was Nuts and Bolts. It just didn't feel like a Banjo game.

Or it's digital.

Wow, what a prick.

The first thing this concept video for a fully interactive tabletop Pizza Hut touch ordering system gets wrong is imagining a future where people still dine in at Pizza Hut.

I just don't want to spend the money on a new OS. I'll eventually switch, but as of right now I don't see a reason. Most games aren't requiring it yet, or even recommending it.

Can you hear the crickets? Poor Popcap, I really liked Peggle, it seems strange to me that no one was excited when it was announced. People were too suped for Garden Warfare.

At the very least Spike has original programming, it's shit, but they still have that over G4. It really is a shame. I miss AOTS, it left a gaping hole that was only partially filled by Weekend Update with Seth Meyers, and now that he's retired from that it's just empty.

It's there, mostly as a placeholder, but it does exist.

First I ever heard of this game was actually on G4's TV series "Portal". It was a pretty bizarre machinima skit show. At the time I thought it was pretty funny, but in retrospect it was cringe-worthy.

I'd be interested to see it if there were more people involved. Unfortunately there are only ~50 atm, and it is slow as balls. At least in pokemon we were able to see Red spazzing out. Here we just see the characters standing there for a few seconds at a time.

Somehow I imagine that having a high as fuck Japanese man incoherently mumbling is less comedic than this video. That's just me.

Don't worry, it takes a super-AI like 7 years before rampancy takes hold.

That's called nostalgia.