The Palmtop Tiger

I think it might be the blue lighting and eye makeup for me. Something about it is very off-putting.

An interesting theory, but I doubt that Netflix is going to spend mega-bucks trying to make a statement.

Just copy/paste the URL directly in to the text box, that's literally all the button does anyway. My button is still there though. It's a box with a "play" triangle in it.

I'd actually play a squad based dino hunting game. Orion was just terrible, and Primal Carnage is okay, so I think there is definitely room for a good dino game.

Clearly you haven't seen a lot of his pranks. Many of them are mean spirited to say the least.

I'm not sure I understand what 3D Realms was thinking. They clearly sold away the rights to the game, so why did they think that they could make another Duke game. I'd really like to hear a statement from them. They can still release the game though. Just change some art assets, the name, and they're golden.

He cracked the code.

It is referenced in the games and tv shows that although the balls are used to store the pokemon, the pokemon themselves still have the freedom to leave, and even break out of their own pokeballs if desired.

Remi is fricken hilarious, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't clock him if he tried a lot of his pranks on me.

The big issue for me with clone characters in Smash is this: storage capacity. Supposedly the Wii U version is being held by limitations of the 3DS version such as the storage capacity of the 3DS game carts. Whether or not that is true is beyond me, but that is the assumption. This aside, if I wanted to download the

It's not about him being human or having inferior taste. It's about him having different taste; his taste is so different that it makes him seem alien to anime fans and invalidates his opinion to a lot of people. You're right that liking or not liking something is an opinion, but when you make a living off

Agreed. The author has set him up a few times as an arrogant and unrelatable person. The first instance was saying that Cowboy Bebop was so boring that he could only stomach 1/5 of the show. That in and of itself completely invalidates his anime opinion to a lot of people.

The Esquire Channel thing actually didn't end up happening. Instead the Style channel is Esquire now.

One of the many issues this game has.

That's pretty neat. I'll bookmark it.

That doesn't help much when you're in a solo queue. I actually have TS3, but I just use it for my own friends.

Gun safety is an important practice regardless of where you are. Despite the fact that airsoft rifles aren't lethal they can still cause serious, sometimes irreparable damage.

Regarding the player "that types everything". I'm kind of torn on the issue, it could either go really well or extremely poorly depending on the team. It seems like a good idea when you're doing well because it would make communication easier, then you get a rager in your game and you remember why the function doesn't

Mobile games or handheld games?

100% agree with all of your reasons. In the same vein, Spider-Man 3 for PS2 was an awful game. Totally predictable, terrible acting, stale gameplay mechanics, and bugs galore. Whats more, it wasn't even faithful to the movie which it was supposed to be based on. Pile on that this was a cash-grab to catch the