The Palmtop Tiger

I sure as hell wouldn't put myself at risk. I don't know any form of martial arts and the guy was armed. Best case scenario I'd get a lucky punch and knock the guy out. Worst case scenario, I'd be beaten within an inch of my life. It just isn't worth doing. Add to the fact that I wouldn't be rewarded, and that the guy

Ha, brilliant naming scheme. As a dessert it sounds pretty good.

According to Polygon it is slated for 2015. Mirror's Edge doesn't even have a release year yet, so I think Battlefront will probably be released first.

I'm glad I didn't read it at that time (not that I would've been able to, I was a kid,) I can only imagine reading something like that and not being able to talk about it.

I mean, with the upcoming Star Wars films I think we'll see a lot more Star Wars games. Given the success of the Rogue Squadron series, I think we'll see a similar game come out in the coming years. We also know that DICE is currently working on Battlefront, it'll probably have a focus on infantry combat, but I

I think the problem is that toys haven't evolved in the past 20 years. It isn't just video games that have changed, but society. We want instant gratification, we want interaction with all of our devices, and we want things to be fast, our children are no different. If the toy market wants to survive then it has to

I will never understand putting a device in my back pocket. I'll never do it either. Aren't people afraid that their screen will crack? I'm fairly certain that those devices were not designed to withstand 150+ lbs of weight. Here's how I organize my pockets: front right has my phone, front left has my Zune, back left

Mine just fits. I usually put it in my backpack (which I almost always have) or put it in my coat pocket though.

They're also very feminine, not that I have a problem with that, but most men wouldn't go for it. When you're raised to be as masculine as you possibly can, and anything that breaks that ruins your image, it is very difficult to change. It is something that is ingrained in the minds of many now-adults and teens. The

Why gummy worms and bears? How do you even drink that? Everything made sense except those two IMO. Do you just use a spoon at the end?

I doubt that hacking wasn't mentioned in their ToS. Even if it wasn't in there though, most ToS have a clause that says that the company can change the ToS without warning and without notifying users, so they could probably get away with it even if it wasn't originally in the ToS.

You're probably right in that. An open world game has a "main story" and is surrounded with a bunch of side quests. Each one is more like a vignette that paints an entire picture of what is happening within the game's world.

I'm not saying that people shouldn't try, but whoever is organizing the movement needs to know how to build a communication network. If not then it will surely crumble.

The other problem would be actually organizing something like that. One hundred people are hard to control without a chain of command, thousands would be nigh impossible.

Except that that's wrong, we've seen a comprehensive story in Mass Effect. I'm also not sure why you're attacking me, I'm merely presenting perspective to an issue which you clearly don't understand.

I think the primary difference between people's reaction to Final Fantasy 13's linearity and Pokemon's is the precedent that Square set. In previous iterations of FF you're plopped on to a continent to explore, given an airship to go wherever you want, etc. While in reality the progress of the story forced you to go

It hasn't ended... yet. It's still going as the channel with Cops reruns and Ninja Warrior. Christ, I'd kill to get Attack of the Show with Olivia Munn and Ken Pereira. That was probably the high time of G4.

Sorry, are we talking about G4 or Spike because I don't know where one ends and the other begins.


Since it was brought up in the video that you can turn up gamma to see in the dark I'll address this. I think that the darkness in DayZ is a serious problem and makes the game nigh unplayable. It may be realistic, but it is by no means fun. It is often next to impossible to see, particularly if the night is overcast