The Palmtop Tiger

Not if you're religious.

Went right over my head.

While voice commands may be gaining popularity because of the Xbone, I don't necessarily think it is the way of the future. The biggest problem is voice recognition software, a lot of it simply doesn't work. People with accents, mumble, or otherwise fail to properly articulate are bound to have issues with even the

A lot of misinformation is flying around here. The ESRB (the North American rating system) is self-regulating, is not affiliated with any government, and does not impose any fees on stores. Most stores, especially large stores like GameStop and Best Buy will not sell M (17+) rated games to young looking people without

I'm with you. I'd like to see more historical games. We often ignore history from any country but our own (sometimes even our own,) and if it were presented in a fun medium then it might spark interest in some people.

I thought it was going to be about Phil Fish for some reason.

Yeah, I originally went in to it thinking that it was a great idea, and even if it failed it sent a message that people wanted an open console. Unfortunately in the last few months leading up to Kickstarter-release PR went to hell, backers were receiving their consoles after stores were, the controller was just

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Yeah, then I'll teach it scratch and bite. Then I'll tell all of my friends about my Pokemon and they'll bring theirs over and we'll have Pokemon battles where the loser gives the winner all of their money. I'll be just like my hero Michael Vick.

I consider burning money to be a bad policy in general. I got a $99 Rubix Cube-sized paperweight. You'll get ashes. On second thought, at least you can use the ashes as fertilizer.

Yeah, the body swap would probably make sense. Costume-wise though I think that they fit the characters.

Right over my head I guess. Oh well.

They're zhu, Buddhist monk prayer beads, not a lei. It fits with Donatello's whole theme considering that he uses a Bo.

That sir is what is called a human bite. What I find strange is the fact that he moved his whole body towards the burger instead of simply raising the burger to his mouth. I forgot where I read it (maybe on this site,) but the article said that to bring one's face down toward your plate is to eat like a dog. This

I use the "pray and spray" method; it's the same way I take a piss, have sex, and play video games.

Why? I think they both fit the characters very well. Don uses a bo staff, which were traditionally used by monks. Don has the big-bead necklace and the flappy pants, very monk-ish. Mikey is a partyin' dude, he's got his trucker hat, he's got his brightly colored pants, he's ready to eat pizza. Just look at him.

You bring up a good point. We often praise fan designs, but if the same thing were to be made "official" it suddenly becomes garbage. Whatever happened to objectively liking something instead of "it's good for a fan piece, thumbs up." We've become very loose with our preferences when talking about individuals' works

I don't think it is in full release though. If you look at Srike Vector's Steam forum their latest patch notes are labeled as beta.

It's really just a matter of time until someone 1) gets a game crack working or 2) gets cracked server up. Still, I think that they should put out a demo with maybe one stage and one mech considering how different this game is from other shooters.