The Palmtop Tiger

Was it? Well shit, I bought the physical copy for no reason. Oh well, I got a limited edition Kayle skin.

Let's also be clear that this is new territory. We have not had games that have been programmed to allow torture and humiliation of unarmed characters.

This whole situation is very reminiscent of Zenimax v Mojang. IDK if you guys remember but ZeniMax opposed Mojang's use of the title "Scrolls" in their upcoming card game because it would apparently confuse their "The Elder Scrolls" player base. This case is just as ridiculous.

in the sense that it started off really well

or is it?

TBH, was anyone surprised by the purchase? I mean, Microsoft already had an exclusivity deal, the next logical step would be to just buy it. I'm just curious how much Epic asked for and received. I'm sure that they were making plenty of money on the franchise.

I was thinking the same thing. I'm no runner, but lets look at this from a logical standpoint. Taking in to consideration that the sun sets early in the winter and they would inevitably need to stop early to look for shelter, let's say that they are awake for 12 hours per day. 12 day x 12 hours = 144 hours | 1400

New patch released. According to the patch notes they won't be doing any more character wipes.

It's cool.

What does that have to do with my comment about wanting to play it in HD?

Probably a difference between eastern and western markets. In Japan handheld consoles are a pretty big deal. They have released some games on to home consoles though, MH 3 Ultimate was on Wii U, and Monster Hunter Frontier G (JP only) was released on all last-gen home consoles in addition to PC and handhelds. I'm with

I answered that question in a later response to someone. They just disappear. In the DayZ mod (before this became a standalone game) the solution to combat logging was a one minute log out timer.

It seems more than a bit unreasonable, I guess you could feasibly send them a scan of the police report, but it shouldn't be necessary at all. Who would even remember their serial number? I literally don't have a single serial number for anything in my home anywhere. If I need to find the serial number then I check

I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers Legendary Frog. His flash animations were easily my favorite at the time. I wish he would've kept going. I wonder how much he would have progressed skill-wise. If you watch some of his early animations compared to his later ones the difference in skill is pretty significant.

I think that both are important, but FPS is far more important than resolution or high graphical fidelity. I need at a bare minimum, 30FPS, otherwise I tend to have a worse gaming experience. As someone who plays a lot of indie games, resolution is of lesser importance unless I'm playing that requires attention to

The anti-combat logging measure in the mod was a 1 minute delay before you could log out. If you sat for that long without saying anything then no doubt the bandits would get bored and kill you anyway.

There was a rudimentary anti combat-logging mechanic in the mod, but it hasn't been implemented in the standalone yet. There are a few temporary placeholders in the game: if you're unconscious and log out then you die, if you're handcuffed and log out then you die. The mod had a really terrible system in which it

Alphas exist for feedback, there's mine. If you're not looking at problems when dealing with test builds then you're doing it wrong. I don't see anything inappropriate with my comment. I didn't viciously attack the game, the devs, or anyone involved.

Really? I think he looks like he's in his late 60s. My parents are entering their mid-50s, my uncle is in his 60s, I also have regular interactions with people in their 60s and 70s, and many quite honestly look significantly younger than Gates. As far as him never looking attractive, I agree, but I think that his

I've also taken note of it. It's amazing the toll that four to eight years can have on a person. Check out the side by side comparisons on the Washington Post. I didn't read the article, but the comparison photos are pretty fantastic.