The Palmtop Tiger

If you look at the portrayal of men in a larger scope - in all media - you'll see that they are much more sexualized than they are in games. Look at every perfume and cologne ad campaign. Check out magazine covers. In romantic films men are always exceedingly attractive unless the film is a rom-com in which case there

You're lucky you started playing after they added the censor pants. When I started there were shriveled dicks as far as the eye could see. There's nothing quite like being chased by a naked man holding a rock as he shouts like a maniac.

There isn't a singleplayer mode of any sort, and idk if you can host your own server, but there are plenty of low-pop servers out there.

They are temporary, not only that, but wooden doors can be destroyed with rocks (after a lot of hits) and metal doors can be destroyed with explosives. Regardless of when you put the shelter down it will also only exist until the server resets, at which point your character, shelter, and all of the blueprints you

It's not so much that I dislike the Animal Crossing one, it is more that I like it the least of them all. I admit that it is kind of cutesy, but I don't like the color scheme. I was considering getting it when Pokemon X&Y came out but I ended up using my brother's 3DS until the Zelda one came out.

Sure, over the past twenty years, and even over as little as two years my tastes in music, film, and games have changed a lot. There is however a difference between a change in a person's interests and someone refusing to do something because they believe it is beneath them (in this case "childish"). Refusing to play

You think that the Dream Team 3DS XL is the ugliest? Are you forgetting

Yeah, it sounds pretty sweet. I wonder what kind of impact is has on performance though. I'm sure it is taxing running two OS's at once.

I think it gets a decent amount of recognition. It is often referred to as a better Diablo than Diablo 3.

And a single tear was shed for all those who refuse to do certain things because it is too childish. What's funny is that just a short while ago things like rock and roll, all video games, and reading fiction were all considered exclusively for children or the young.

And that wouldn't even work unless you're talking to a person who also has the smartband.

Having zombies with shotgun claws is problematic. I think that the issue of zombies should be more long term. Zombification should be present. You know, coughing, shaking, increased hunger, greying screen (not lost blood), need to constantly take medication, if you fail to do so then your character falls to the ground

I don't take anything in trailers at face value. I doubt that the game is going to look as good as they advertise.

I have my doubts. Dean Hall, the project head, hasn't made any mention of making the zombies a serious threat. So far the biggest difference made to zombies is that they have a lunging attack when they are running and they also have (had) the ability to knock a player down, something that can be prevented by wearing

this level of desensitization is what the powerful feel when they're taking advantage of the powerless out in the real world

I've never experienced that and I recently server hopped quite a bit. I have had my character wiped a few times, but it seemed to be at random and not after performing a specific action. I wouldn't be surprised if there was such a feature though. I know they wanted to make the game more role-playish than the mod, and

How does Jacob feel about making a "school shooting" game that ended up being played by a school shooter?

You're looking at this the wrong way. The whole thing is consensual, if any of the participants wasn't having fun then they could have switched servers (characters persist across servers) and the assailants would have been unable to stop them or track them down. You're also missing the point of the game, player

I wouldn't say that people who play DayZ are more mature, just different. There is a different mentality going in to DayZ, you'll rarely hear anyone over comm, and if you do then they'll almost never be shouting curses at you. They'll probably either announce themselves as friendly and propose a trade or they'll be

Certain buildings spawn certain types of loot. For example, a military base has a high chance of spawning an M4, ammo, and high quality clothing, whereas a common house is likely to have food (sometimes rotten,) civilian clothing, and low quality melee weapons. As the game is right now it is very easy to get fully