The Palmtop Tiger

As good as the movie was, you can't start with it. The movie is a direct sequel to FF7 (not a spinoff) and there are several things that would totally 1) spoil the game for you and 2) confuse the heck out of you. I watched the movie when I had just reached the last disk of the game (obviously the PS3 version doesn't

It doesn't seem like a bad idea - I mean, who is most likely to commit crimes with a BB gun? Kids. What do kids do when they do something deviant? Brag to people at school. So conceivably the first people to know about it would be kids, and I know of very few male teenagers who wouldn't take a free Xbox One, even if

I have no restraint when it comes to video games unless I'm just F-ing with my victims. I've made children cry before, so instead I decided it was better to give them an unplugged controller. This worked great on my five year old cousin, she never questioned why there was only one car in Mario Kart.

How about Fallout: New Jersey? We have a pretty wide selection of terrain, numerous military installments, and high population density (huge amount of ghouls?) Plus, everyone already thinks that NJ is a nuclear waste zone.

All hail the onion lord!

I totally agree on the sequels. They really only tarnished FF7's name. Advent Children was a decent movie though.

Kingdom Hearts Indi world please!

I wasn't even aware that this was a thing... (The marriage, not the meme.)

Considering that you're still telling overused jokes from several years ago and you use stupid emoticons, I'm gonna go ahead and say yes.

FF7 is overrated, not sure why everyone gets their panties in a bunch. It was historically significant, but it isn't the godly game that it is made out to be. I also don't think that it should've gotten its 20 sequels and spinoffs.

I thought that it was an all-around bad controller, but apparently it has some supporters. You're the only person who has agreed with my comment.

Hmm... Maybe it did sustain some damage then... or maybe I'm just using bad batteries.

I always imagined Skull Kid's limbs to be wooden, now that it is in HD it just likes like a starved kid's arms.

Sounds good to me, I can't wait.

I have one of these. My aunt used to do real estate, and she found it in a house she had bought. The batteries were corroded, but once I got it cleaned up it was pretty much good to go. I'd never use it though. The amount of power it sucks up is ridiculous. 4 AA batteries and it got ~8 hours of life I think. It looks

Nintendo designing a controller for children? I would've never guessed. JK. Seriously though, I don't remember that happening to me as a kid, so I dug up my GC and played some Melee. You're right, the buttons are a bit closer together than they probably should be.

I feel like there should be more racial benefits. From what I've seen the only race to have an advantage is the plant people, because they can eat certain foods that are otherwise poisonous. Just some thought: monkeys should be able to climb over ledges, birds should be able to double jump, robots should have a

Thank god for the changes here. IDK how many of you had to suffer through the original Xbox controller. It was hell; the handles weren't big enough, the buttons were awkwardly placed, and this picture doesn't do a very good job showing the size of the controller. The original was huge! It was so big that children

Battlefield and CoD maybe. They share several similarities, but there are key differences.