The Palmtop Tiger

As impressive as that figure seems, we need to keep in mind that Valve isn't selling a $500 console, they're providing a free platform on which to buy games. I also have to ask what constitutes "using" Steam, because if simply being logged in qualifies use then I'm not impressed. I have Steam starting on startup, and

I've managed some restraint. I bought the Zen Pinball Humble Bundle for ~$10, Kickstarted Cosmic Star Heroine for $10, and Alpha-funded Starbound for $15.

I don't think it is too ridiculous. I mean, we see it in the animated film Iron Giant (though he isn't controlling the robot,) and the game Robot Alchemic Drive (which was terribad.)

How about Phantasy Star Online's "Cast" race? The males of the "race" all look like mechs and the females just look like women with metal armor, although both "genders" are completely synthetic. I can't remember if their boobs have jiggle physics, but I'm not about to go through the hell of downloading the Japanese

It has PA Works' style, so I'm gonna say Tari Tari, though I don't remember a shower scene. It is a pretty solid anime, but if you're looking at PA Works' stuff then you're better off watching Hanasaku Iroha, which is by far their best so far.

lmao, the pinball one is actually the only one I've been excited about for a while. I love Pinball FX for some reason. Anyway, Humble Bundle is weird about gifting. For some bundles they'll give separate codes for each game and for others it will be put in to a single code.

I don't really mind it, I haven't bought anything from the Moneysavers in a while but I appreciate a good sale and I'm on Kotaku anyway so it is pretty convenient. Shane (and whoever he gets his info from) do a pretty good job of keeping us informed too, so even if there are other places to find deals, I really don't

What I generally do is gift the extra codes (provided that they're separate.) By doing this someone gets use out of the code, and if it is a multiplayer game then I gain someone to play with.

As someone who already has half these titles already, I'd pretty much be paying full price for the half I don't.It'd have worked out better I think if they'd split it up more.

I'd say that the vast majority of /b/ is crap, but every once in a while there is a gold nugget. I need to spend a lot of time there before I find something of value though.

Weird, I didn't get an email about that even though I'm on Humble's newsletter. In any case, $25 isn't unreasonable for the bundle, people who purchase would still get a nice saving. TBH, setting a minimum is probably something that should happen anyway. Too many people pay $1 to get the steam codes or pay just above

good call, it just went on sale. $50 for one year of anime membership or $70 for one year of all-access membership and $15 store credit.

The trick is to not buy anything for yourself until this time of year and then buy everything you want at better than average price.

American kids like to see flashy box art, so I'm not surprised. Still, if those cases saw a limited run in the US I'd gladly buy them, they look fantastic!

I really think pokemon games should open with "Is this your first Pokemon game?" If yes then they explain everything, if no then they only explain the new features.

Mario Party AI are like T-Rex's in Jurassic Park, if you don't move they won't see you.

At least the guy gave him towels to soak up his tears.

QUOTE | "The digital version of a product should be a hell of a lot less expensive. Steam does it right. It's cheaper, and at times phenomenally cheaper."—Sony fan Ray Barrett, waiting in London for the PS4 launch, on why digital versions of games should be cheaper.

This instructable has been around for years XD