The Palmtop Tiger

I'm very conflicted about this. I bough Dark Souls and was HIGHLY disappointed by pretty much the entire port (I had already played on 360.) On the one hand, I was very grateful to this guy for putting out a patch just days after its release, but on the other, I think that the existence of such solutions makes

I'd rather buy a car with that money or invest it in an FDIC-insured bank account, stock, bonds, or index funds. I guess if I was truly loaded, (like tens or hundreds of millions of dollars) then I'd go for it. But as it stands now (I'm a college student) It'd be irresponsible to put all of that dough on a PC.

Certainly not, it's an investment. You need to save up for it, if you think that anyone wakes up one morning and says "I want to spend $1k" then you're out of your mind. Obviously it is easier for someone like me, who lives at home and doesn't have a lot of bills. Even if you do have bills, unless you're unemployed or

It's your money. I wouldn't do it even if I had the money, but my family is a frugal people. It's the way I was raised.

This was clearly a joke comment.

Sources: Newegg and Microcenter

Right, so I'm from NJ and I've literally never heard anyone speak with the stereotypical "Jersey accent", I've haven't heard any New Yorkers speak like that either. It's kinda one of those things where foreigners try to imitate someone from the area and blow the accent out of proportion. It's also worth noting that

All Star Racing is a pretty fun game. It isn't as good as Mario Kart, but it doesn't feel like a knock-off either. IDK how it plays on Vita, but for consoles I'd say it's a good deal.

Insane, and the biggest kick to the nuts is that it'll devalue fairly quickly too. PC parts always do.

WTF, never would something like that be worth getting. Each Titan costs 1K, another 1k for the CPU, $350 for the HDD, $450 for the SSD, $900 for RAM, and $270 for the PSU. I can't find any solid info on the case or the liquid cooling, however considering that the cooling system is custom built it probably costs well

If only. I'd kill for a new Warcraft RTS. Seriously, fuck WoW, I think it's gotten so stale, I don't have the slightest interest anymore. If only that Starcraft MMO had come out and maybe there would've been a W4 instead of Starcraft 2.

How does one use fish guts?

Agreed, I think it'd be a strong argument that legalization and regulation of the industry would eliminate a lot of the problems with prostitution (like abuse and STDs). I still wouldn't do it because the idea of engaging in it both skeeves me and doesn't agree with my from an ethical standpoint, but I still don't

And perhaps more importantly, does that mean you can be arrested for that.

It's a decent MMO.

Probably because we're jealous that he has a PS4 that he can destroy whereas we don't even have a PS4 to play on.

Let's be honest. The hype that had built up by its release, and the features which were touted by Trion made it out to be a "WoW killer" and it fell magnificently short of that. Some of the ideas that it had were fantastic, like dynamic events, but in practice they didn't really work as well as one might've liked.

"WoW killer" is hardly an appropriate term. WoW lost subscribers the two years following Rift's release, but it was just following the trend at that point. If anything, 2011-2012 was more stable than 2010-2011.

I'm not a fan of Rift. It wasn't terrible, but I don't think that it lived up to what was expected of it.

Trion's other games are mostly failures, but I'd give it a shot.