The Palmtop Tiger

Babies freak me the fuck out, especially newborns with their alien heads. Also, anyone who says babies smell good is delusional, every baby that I've ever interacted with either smells like poop, vomit, or saliva.

Right, I don't like Nintendoland because it isn't casual enough. Let me back to my home-built computer and glance at my 300-strong Steam library and get back to you on that.

Good, I don't think that Nintendoland deserved to be bundled. It didn't have the entertainment value of Wii Sports, and my family and I got bored of it very quickly. Mario should keep most people going for a while though.

So basically you just have some sort of personal vendetta against orange and bright blue colors.

But there were already orange and teal DS and DS lites so...

Except that I'm not wrong, pitting a water type against an electric type is an awful match-up and the chart should reflect it. You can't make a definitive statement about which starter is the best when you're using less than half of the relevant information.

Roguelikes have become a genre in and of themselves. While all Roguelikes do bear a resemblance to Rogue, not all games which have similar features as Rogue are Roguelikes in the same way that all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. This is why the term Rogue-lite surfaced in recent years,

So wouldn't that make the water starter undesirable for the gym? The whole chart is kind of strange in that it doesn't consider the starters' defenses as well as offenses.

Erm, shouldn't squirtle, wartortle, and blastoise be listed as "not very" for Surge? I'm guessing they didn't include it because it'd have thrown off their chart.

I've tried, I really have, I even have Brogue downloaded, along with Powder, Elona, and Dwarf Fortress.

It certainly looks like a Shoot 'Em Up in the same vein as Robotron. If this game is a rogue-like then it is also a shoot em up because it features some of the attributes.

Rogue-like definitely isn't the correct genre for this game, it clearly belongs in "Shoot 'em Up," "Twin-Stick Shooter," or "Arcade Shooter". There are undoubtedly Rogue-like elements in this though. I believe the term for a game which features some, but not all characteristics is "Rogue-Lite".

Yeah, they're pretty good. I don't have an iPod anymore though, so I haven't played any of their more recent games.

Yeah, Game Dev Story is the original. Game Dev also has a series of spinoffs like Hot Springs and Grand Prix Story, but I've only tried Game Dev and Hot Springs.

Game Dev Tycoon, but you're otherwise totally correct.

Good point, there needs to be a distinction between downloading and pirating. 10 years ago downloading almost exclusively meant pirating; platforms like Steam, Desura, and Origin are so popular now that downloading has come to mean legitimately purchasing from an online distributor.

It certainly wouldn't work for the vast majority of the gaming population. I can't recommend that even the best high-school gamers drop out to go pro. Assuming that you actually do make it in the pro world for a period of time, that period is most likely fairly limited. There is also a social stigma against pro

Finally Wollay says something. I don't need updates to fly out at breakneck speeds a la minecraft, I just need to know that the game is, in fact being worked on. I wish that the Cube World team would just put out a weekly tweet or something.

Well that was a short wait.

I wish there was a demo of this game; it looks interesting, but I want to try my hand at it before I commit. I'll wait until the Steam release at the very least.