The Palmtop Tiger

We've evolved sniper technology from a bi-pod to a boob-pod.

I'm gonna go ahead and say gaming monitor. I can live with my cheapy Dell keyboard, but the lack of 1080p is killing me. I'd be curious to see what public opinion is on the best monitors.

Agreed, that was a great comparison... I hate wood grained plastic; you're not fooling anyone.

You poor soul.

They're around, you just need to go to the right places.

I can't help but be reminded of Arrested Development

I played the Gamecube version of Wind Waker because I can. Unfortunately I spent the better part of the weekend building a patio roof, building a bed, and trying to optimize Dolphin, so I only just got all 3 pearls.

As long as it doesn't have anything related to the number three then we should be fine; stuff like 3, third, thrice, and 3 in other languages are forbidden in the presence of Grandmaster Wizard Gary Newell.

lmao that is wildly inappropriate.

Yes it is, there is also a piece of bread in the middle, can you spot it?

I'm probably wrong, but I thought I'd heard something about coding for the 360 was easier than coding for the PS3, and that's why PS3 releases were often later? I thought it might be a similar situation.

I imagined it looking much like it does in the show, except the back part was much more bushy. Also, the part that you sit on and the backrest isn't nicely squished down so that you wouldn't hurt yourself; all of the swords are sticking point out in my mind. The reason I imagine it this way is because in the book it

True, in Arma 2 I remember having weird experiences with destructible buildings. Next time you're messing with Arma 2 just start chucking smoke grenades at an enter-able building, you can actually take it down that way.

I can't really tell if this is a good thing or not. In some situations I love MS's hardware, and in others they've been turds. I just hope that MS pays more attention to their phones than they did to the Zune HD... I'll love you forever my sweet prince.

As nice of an idea that is, it just seems odd to me that MS would complement and kinda advertise their direct competitors. Then again, Sony and MS have been kinda chummy lately in the "Nice dig buddy, now here's mine!" kinda way.

According to Japanese etiquette can you split a meal between people? I've been to Harold's Deli in Edison, NJ a few times, and while they serve huge portions (picture below, if you want more just google it,) they expect you to split it between your entire table.

I've always been intrigued with hot drinks in vending machines in Japan. Are cafes like Dunkin Donut and Starbucks not common there? I think I just take it for granted because there is somewhere to get coffee every other block in the northeastern US.

I doubt you're really Zack, but if you are, keep up the good work.

There is some destructibility, unfortunately, it isn't an improvement from Arma 2. The small trees and fences can be knocked down by explosives and by some vehicles, of course you also run the risk of destroying your vehicles.

I definitely see it passing 1.35 mil, and I'm fairly certain that it will pass 2.5 mil. If Humble Bundle has taught me anything, it's that Mac and Linux users can be VERY generous.